英國曼徹斯特大學戴維斯 Daniel Davis 教授近期推出專研「親合性基因」的書,其中並引述瑞士科學家進行的氣味研究。該氣味研究讓一批男學生兩天一直穿著同件衣服,並避免沾染其他味道,兩天後讓另一群女性聞其衣服的味道,並讓她們對於衣服上聞起來氣味的性感度、濃烈度及愉悅度給分。
>Love at first SNIFF? Women can tell whether a man shares compatible genes by 'reading' his scent
Genes influence how attractive a person is to a potential partner
> Suitable mates smell that they have a partner with an optimal genetic code
> Women tend to like the smell of men with different histocompatibility genes
> People are able to subconsciously choose a partner with whom they would have children with a genetic advantage