論文題目 | 出處 | 年份 |
Usefulness of multi-labelling artificial intelligence in detecting rhythm disorders and acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction on 12-lead electrocardiogram | European Heart Journal | 2021 |
Usefulness of Machine Learning-Based Detection and Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmias With 12-Lead Electrocardiograms | Canadian Journal of Cardiology | 2021 |
Implementation of an All-Day Artificial Intelligence-Based Triage System to Accelerate Door-to-Balloon Times | Mayo Clinic Proceedings | 2022 |
Artificial intelligence-assisted remote detection of ST-elevation myocardial infarction using a mini-12-lead electrocardiogram device in prehospital ambulance care | Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine | 2022 |
日期 | 來源 | 標題 |
2021.11.26 | 醫院官網 | 「中台灣AI救心網」急性心肌梗塞到院前遠距診斷系統,與死神搶時間! |
2021.04.30 | 醫院官網 | 急性心肌梗塞心電圖診斷平台,改善偏鄉醫療決勝院前 |
2021.04.28 | 中時新聞網 | 急性心肌梗塞 AI心電圖消防救護車先診斷 |
2020.10.21 | 華視新聞 | 6旬婦腹痛就醫 AI揪出非典型心肌梗塞 |
2020.10.21 | 自由時報 | 腹痛不止竟是急性心肌梗塞 急診AI及早發現搶通血管救命 |
2020.10.21 | 亞太新聞網 | AI搶救心肌梗塞 人工智慧輔助及時有效治療 |
2020.10.21 | 網路社區報 | AI人工輔助判讀縮短搶救心肌梗塞時間!國內創下32分鐘成功救治紀錄 |