How a Taiwanese hospital's Superintendent led his team to achieve a top HIMSS ranking globally
2024/8/13China Medical University Hospital came in first for the 2023 HIMSS Digital Health Indicator global ranking, announced earlier this year.
China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) Ranked Global No.1 Smart Hospital in HIMSS Digital Health Indicator 2023 CMUH has been awarded DHI top hospitals twice in a row
2024/4/12China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) has achieved a global top score, 370/400, for the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Digital Health Indicator(DHI)in 2023.
China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) in Taiwan Upgrades Smart Healthcare with Gen AI
2024/2/20Establishing a comprehensive “AI-assisted Physician” using generative AI from Google Cloud, including MedLM
Senior Medical Experts Team from Thailand’s Songklanagarind Hospital Visits China Medical University Hospital
2024/2/1China Medical University Hospital is well-known for incorporating information technology (IT) infrastructure into a smart hospital system. A delegation of medical experts from Songklanagarind Hospital, the largest medical center in southern Thailand, led by Vice Dean Dr. Boonchai Wangsupadilok, made a brief visit to CMUH in Taichung. Professor Der-yang Cho, the Superintendent of CMUH, represented the hospital in welcoming the Thai delegation.
China Medical University Hospital’s Breakthrough Drug of ‘Allogenic mRNA CAR-T’ & Its GenAI ‘gHi’ Standing Out in Healthcare+ Expo (Taiwan) 2023
2024/1/12Taiwan’s biggest bio-tech annual event, Healthcare+ Expo (Taiwan) 2023, was held in Taipei from November through early December. Numerous medical centers showcased their achievements in bio-tech innovations. Among them,
Healthcare+ Expo Taiwan 2023 Meet China Medical University Hospital Innovating Healthcare at the Global Arena
2023/11/302023 Taiwan Medical Technology Exhibition will be held at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1 from November 30th for four days. China Medical University and Healthcare Group set “Innovating Healthcare at the Global Arena” as the main theme of the exhibition. There are five main exhibition zones, including “AI Smart Healthcare”, “Regenerative Medicine”, “Precision Medicine”, “China Medical University Research”, and an “Honor” Zone, presenting
歷年層級最高新加坡衛生部官員率團參訪中醫大附醫 取經中西醫整合特色治療 推動智慧醫院國際化有成 拓展新南向國家並擴及影響力到星國
2023/11/28中國醫藥大學附設醫院(中醫大附醫)推動智慧醫院與中西醫整合治療有成,今年初在新加坡獲得Healthcare Asia Awards 2023大獎的「年度智慧醫院Smart Hospital Initiative of the Year」獎項肯定,打響國際品牌知名度,將衛福部醫衛新南向計畫推動到馬來西亞與汶萊兩國家以外,更將影響力擴及到新加坡。歷年參訪層級最高的新加坡衛生部衛生總司長麥錫威率團於27日到訪,深入了解中醫大附醫在中西醫整合治療特色,尤其癌症中西醫整合治療成果與中醫結合AI醫療多元應用也讓參訪團感到驚艷。
歷年層級最高新加坡衛生部官員率團參訪中醫大附醫 取經中西醫整合特色治療 推動智慧醫院國際化有成 拓展新南向國家並擴及影響力到星國
2023/11/28中國醫藥大學附設醫院(中醫大附醫)推動智慧醫院與中西醫整合治療有成,今年初在新加坡獲得Healthcare Asia Awards 2023大獎的「年度智慧醫院Smart Hospital Initiative of the Year」獎項肯定,打響國際品牌知名度,將衛福部醫衛新南向計畫推動到馬來西亞與汶萊兩國家以外,更將影響力擴及到新加坡。
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 榮獲 Newsweek 評比「2024 世界最佳智慧醫院」 智慧醫療排名臺灣前二強 私立醫院居全國首冠
2023/9/25國際知名媒體《Newsweek》(新聞周刊)以及著名數據資料庫Statista盛大舉辦「2024年世界最佳智慧醫院(World’s Best Smart Hospitals 2024)」最新評比成果於台北時間9月13日晚間出爐,中國醫藥大學附設醫院上榜,獲選全球最佳智慧醫院。這也是今年六月榮獲國際智慧醫療頂尖大獎:「2023 HIMSS戴維斯卓越獎( HIMSS Davies Award of Excellence)」之後,中醫大附醫再獲全球醫療專家評選,榮獲世界頂尖智慧醫院前330強,臺灣名列前二,私立醫院龍頭寶座,位居第一。