How a Taiwanese hospital's Superintendent led his team to achieve a top HIMSS ranking globally
2024/8/13China Medical University Hospital came in first for the 2023 HIMSS Digital Health Indicator global ranking, announced earlier this year.
醫療、教育暨生醫產業鏈最強整合者~ 中醫大暨醫療體系董事長蔡長海博士榮獲2024《財訊雜誌》-「50影響力人物」
中醫大附醫與澎湖縣政府策略聯盟 導入AI智慧醫療守護離島健康
China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) Ranked Global No.1 Smart Hospital in HIMSS Digital Health Indicator 2023 CMUH has been awarded DHI top hospitals twice in a row
2024/4/12China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) has achieved a global top score, 370/400, for the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Digital Health Indicator(DHI)in 2023.
HIMSS 2024年會 中醫大附醫為台灣爭光 榮獲「數位健康指標DHI」全球第一 台灣首例
2024/3/292024年美國醫療資訊管理系統協會(HIMSS)年度大會暨展覽於美東時間3月12日至14日在佛州奧蘭多舉行,被視為全球智慧醫療領先指標的HIMSS 「數位健康指標(DHI)」,由中醫大附醫取得全球冠軍,並同時榮獲EMRAM Stage 7再認證、INFRAM Stage 7與AMAM Stage 6之認證,也是台灣醫界首次在美HIMSS被評選榮獲全球第一名智慧醫院,廣受全球醫界注目。周德陽院長率領一般內科白培英主任、數位轉型辦公室馮文生主任、人工智慧中心王韋竣副主任,以及及資深臨床藥師何虂菁等一行人,出席HIMSS 2024年會, 由周德陽院長代表接受表揚。
中醫大附醫榮獲智慧醫院全球第一 HIMSS發聲獻祝福
2024/3/12中醫大附醫榮獲智慧醫院DHI評比全球冠軍,HIMSS亞太區總裁暨國際副總裁Simon Lin代表HIMSS特別錄製影片,獻上祝福。
NHQA國家醫療品質獎35項 中醫大附醫榮登全國第一 【智慧醫院全機構標章】智慧醫療提升病人照護品質
美HIMSS 智慧醫院DHI評比 中醫大附醫勇奪全球冠軍 數位轉型再創高峰 智慧醫療引領邁向國際
2024/2/22中國醫藥大學附設醫院(中醫大附醫)智慧醫療的卓越表現再獲佳績,美全球醫療機構智慧醫療的高品質指標HIMSS(Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society; HIMSS)評比「數位健康指標(Digital Health Indicator; DHI)」,中醫大附醫榮獲全球冠軍,今年三月中醫大附醫周德陽院長將率隊到美國領獎,是台灣醫界首次在美HIMSS被評選榮獲全球第一名智慧醫院,為台灣醫界爭光。
China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) in Taiwan Upgrades Smart Healthcare with Gen AI
2024/2/20Establishing a comprehensive “AI-assisted Physician” using generative AI from Google Cloud, including MedLM
Senior Medical Experts Team from Thailand’s Songklanagarind Hospital Visits China Medical University Hospital
2024/2/1China Medical University Hospital is well-known for incorporating information technology (IT) infrastructure into a smart hospital system. A delegation of medical experts from Songklanagarind Hospital, the largest medical center in southern Thailand, led by Vice Dean Dr. Boonchai Wangsupadilok, made a brief visit to CMUH in Taichung. Professor Der-yang Cho, the Superintendent of CMUH, represented the hospital in welcoming the Thai delegation.