China Medical University Hospital’s New Tech “AI-aided Diagnostic System” Assist to Diagnose Freezing of Gait (Parkinson’s Disease) in Just 30 Minutes
2024/4/11For patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and gait problems, diagnosis can be challenging. Early stages of PD gait disorders require detailed neurological examinations and tests for accurate diagnosis. As for the symptoms of bradykinesia, freezing gait, and other motor dysfunctions in the mid to late stages of Parkinson's disease, they are even harder to identify with the naked eye.
Hospital Universiti Perubatan China dan Roche Diagnostics Menandatangani MOU untuk Bekerjasama dalam Meningkatkan Ujian Diagnostik Tepat
2024/3/29Hospital Universiti Perubatan China dan Roche Diagnostics Taiwan menandatangani MOU untuk meningkatkan ujian diagnostik tepat, merangkumi penyakit kronik, berjangkit, dan kanser. Kerjasama ini bertujuan membina pusat diagnostik tepat bertaraf antarabangsa di tengah Taiwan, memajukan perubatan dan memberi manfaat kepada pesakit.
歷年層級最高新加坡衛生部官員率團參訪中醫大附醫 取經中西醫整合特色治療 推動智慧醫院國際化有成 拓展新南向國家並擴及影響力到星國
2023/11/28中國醫藥大學附設醫院(中醫大附醫)推動智慧醫院與中西醫整合治療有成,今年初在新加坡獲得Healthcare Asia Awards 2023大獎的「年度智慧醫院Smart Hospital Initiative of the Year」獎項肯定,打響國際品牌知名度,將衛福部醫衛新南向計畫推動到馬來西亞與汶萊兩國家以外,更將影響力擴及到新加坡。歷年參訪層級最高的新加坡衛生部衛生總司長麥錫威率團於27日到訪,深入了解中醫大附醫在中西醫整合治療特色,尤其癌症中西醫整合治療成果與中醫結合AI醫療多元應用也讓參訪團感到驚艷。
歷年層級最高新加坡衛生部官員率團參訪中醫大附醫 取經中西醫整合特色治療 推動智慧醫院國際化有成 拓展新南向國家並擴及影響力到星國
2023/11/28中國醫藥大學附設醫院(中醫大附醫)推動智慧醫院與中西醫整合治療有成,今年初在新加坡獲得Healthcare Asia Awards 2023大獎的「年度智慧醫院Smart Hospital Initiative of the Year」獎項肯定,打響國際品牌知名度,將衛福部醫衛新南向計畫推動到馬來西亞與汶萊兩國家以外,更將影響力擴及到新加坡。
HIMSS Davies Award winners boost quality with AI, telehealth and more
2023/11/10The most recent winners, including Stanford Medicine, Saint Luke's and health systems in Canada and Taiwan, are proving innovative in their use of information and technology to improve care delivery.
APAC to double down on home hospitalisation, tech-enabled preventive care
2023/10/24Health leaders gave a glimpse of what the next wave of care will look like in the region.
China Medical University Hospital’s AI solutions reduce staff workload and save more patients
2023/10/23The AI medical system cuts nurse input time from 30 minutes to 10 minutes by converting medical notes from voice to text.
Integrated Western and Traditional Chinese medicine Successfully Reverses Post-COVID Conditions in Children
2023/8/21Integrated Western and Traditional Chinese medicine Successfully Reverses Post-COVID Conditions in Children
染疫竟轉「急性呼吸窘迫症ARDS」重症 智慧醫療輔佐團隊 逆轉命危 35天康復出院 國際龍頭醫學期刊發表亮麗成果
2023/5/1746歲的張小姐,驗出罹患新冠肺炎,確診後張小姐病情急轉直下症狀加劇,出現嚴重呼吸衰竭,被診斷罹患「急性呼吸窘迫症(ARDS)」。轉送到中國醫藥大學附設醫院負壓隔離加護病房,緊急啟用葉克膜暫時替代她的肺部功能,並組成跨科「急性呼吸窘迫症(ARDS)團隊」,運用智慧醫療系統,即時監測數據變化施以關鍵呼吸治療-「肺保護通氣」。臨床文章發表在期刊影響力指標(Impact Factor)19.3高分的國際期刊外,陳韋成醫師獲得國內外獎項的肯定,台日急重症聯合學術會議最佳首獎報告獎,台灣急重症品質獎