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How to Breastfeed Your Baby 寶寶住院期間如何哺餵母乳


How to Breastfeed Your Baby 寶寶住院期間如何哺餵母乳


The fountain of life—breast milk

  • Breast milk is rich in antibodies, oligosaccharide, whey protein, which can protect infants’ immune system, inhibit the invasion of bacteria and viruses, reduce the occurrence of flatulence and necrotizing enteritis, and play an important role in promoting the development of infant brain and increasing the maturity of nervous system.
  • To let the baby get the best nutrition and enhance the parent-child relationship, during the baby's hospitalization, the mother is advised to breast-feed as much as possible. If you can't breastfeed your baby, you may bring breast milk to the baby room regularly.

How to express breastmilk and sterilize utensils?

  • Express breastmilk by hand:

Put thumb and forefinger on areola 2-4cm above the nipple, then press, roll and push toward the chest wall, until the flow slows, and perform same manner on the other side.

  • Breast pump:

Sterilize it before use. Put the bottle of the breast pump into the sterilizing pot when the water is cold. After the water boils, stay for another 10-15 minutes. Then put the breast shield into the boiling water for disinfection for 3-5 minutes. After each use, it should be cleaned thoroughly and dried naturally.

Storage and delivery of breast milk

  • For breast milk used by hospitalized babies, the preferred container is a sterile and airtight collection bottle, which should include the baby's name and the date of expressing breast milk.
  • Since breast milk expands when it is frozen, it should not be filled up during storage. If you use a breast milk bag, please squeeze out the air before sealing it.
  • Hand contact with the inner edges and openings of breast milk storage containers should be avoided to reduce the chance of bacterial contamination of breast milk.
  • When the breast milk bag is sealed, please fold the opening inside to avoid exposure to other raw and cold foods. It is recommended that the breast milk be separated from other foods with a preservation box to avoid the taste of other foods absorbed by breast milk.
  • Breast milk expressed at different times on the same day cannot be mixed and stored together until at the same temperature. If not used within 1 hour, put it in a refrigerator immediately. If not used within 48 hours, it should be frozen.
  • During the delivery of breast milk, all milk should be tightly placed in a cryopreservation container (which can be filled with cloth) and kept cool with ice cubes.

Breastmilk storage time

  • Thawed breast milk should not be re-frozen. Breast milk that has been warmed should be used at the meal.
  • Breast milk storage time
Room temperatures of 25°C or below
4-6 hours
Fresh food compartment at 0-4°C
3-5 days
Freezer isolated from the fresh food compartment
3 months
Freezer at -20°C
6-12 months
  • Thawed breast milk after refrigerated or frozen:
Fresh food compartment at 0-4℃
24 hours
Room temperatures of 25°C or below
4 hours
  • For any questions, please feel free to contact us.

24-hour breast-feeding consultation line: (04) 22021995

  • 衛生福利部國民健康署(2018,6月30日).母乳哺育手冊。
製作單位:婦產部產科 編碼:HE-60053-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12188、12128