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Possible Sequelae after Treatment of Neck Cancer 頸部癌症治療後可能遇到的後遺症


Possible Sequelae after Treatment of Neck Cancer 頸部癌症治療後可能遇到的後遺症


Head and neck cancers are usually treated by surgery. After surgery, doctors will reassess whether chemotherapy or radiotherapy is needed. Various treatments may produce various sequelae, such as:

Sequelae of surgery: the scope of the removed tissue affects the following: poor swallowing function, impaired chewing and bolus formation, the increase of the time needed for food to pass from the mouth to the pharynx, slow of swallowing initiation, the decrease of the strength of the throat lifting, the countercurrent to the nasal cavity, the weakening of respiratory protection, muscle contracture and appearance change.

Sequelae of radiotherapy: mucositis and dermatitis in the acute stage; chronic symptoms include xerostomia, neck muscle fibrosis, lockjaw, temporomandibular joint fibrosis, dysphagia, lymphedema, etc.

Sequelae of chemotherapy: nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, mental and physical weakness, hair loss, etc.


  1. Scar tissue hardening and soft tissue fibrosis around the wound:

Active and passive activities: the sensation of tightness and swelling rather than pain at the wound during activities will not damage the healing of the wound.

Massage: a massage that extends laterally or vertically along the lines of the skin, rather than in a circular motion. If the skin is dry, properly lubricate it with lotion to reduce discomfort.

  1. Lymphedema: lymphatic drainage massage, pressure garment or pressure mask, kinesiology taping method, acupuncture.
  2. Muscle contracture or myofascial pain: local interference wave, percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, hyperthermia and other instruments for pain relief, tissue softening, strengthening circulation and other treatments, or the use of stretching exercise, massage and other techniques.
  3. Difficulty in opening the mouth: use less irritant mouthwash to clean the mouth, and prepare a small popsicle for oral stimulation and massage to strengthen tissue softening. Or give alternate treatment of the mandibular joint with hot and cold compresses and exercise mandibular extension.
  4. Dysphagia: swallowing training should be carried out, such as oral exercise, swallowing technique training, eating posture adjustment, food texture adjustment, etc. If necessary, the doctor will arrange nasopharyngoscopy and a video-fluoroscopic swallowing study.


  1. The above training should be conducted under the guidance of the medical staff, who will inform you about the time, frequency and precautions of the training to avoid injury caused by the wrong way of use.
  2. Work closely with your physician and therapist. If you have any concerns, contact relevant personnel.
  3. Please cooperate patiently and practice diligently to achieve certain results.
  • 王薏茜、彭薏雯(2020).癌症之復健.連倚南總編輯,復健及物理醫學(二版,531-565頁).合記。
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