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How to use the wheechair to transfer 如何輪椅轉位


How to use the wheechair to transfer 如何輪椅轉位


Transfer from bed to wheelchair

  • The patient is seated at the bedside and the wheelchair is close to the healthy side and at a 45° angle from the edge of the bed. Please note that the wheelchair brake should be secured and the footrest should be lifted to avoid danger. (as shown in the figure).
  • The patient holds the opposite armrest of the wheelchair with the healthy-side hand, stands on the unaffected-side foot, turns around and slowly sits on the wheelchair.
  • Put down the footrest and place the patient's lower limbs in a comfortable position.

Transfer from wheelchair to bed

  • Move the wheelchair to the bed on the healthy side at a 45° angle from the edge of the bed, lock the brakes, lift the footrest, with the feet on the floor.
  • The patient moves his/her hips and sits in the front 1/3 of the wheelchair.
  • Hold the edge of the bed with the healthy-side hand, stand on the healthy-side foot, turn around and slowly sit back on the bed.


  • Before using the wheelchair, check whether the brake can be fixed, whether the screw is loose, etc.
  • Pay attention to the tube (e.g., urinary catheter, IV drip) and avoid tugging during movement.
  • If the knee joint cannot bend due to plaster, please use an orthopedic wheelchair (for knee extension).

  • 游東陽、蔡文鐘(2020).老年復健.連倚南總編輯,復健及物理醫學(二版,479-497頁).合記。
製作單位:復健部 編碼:HE-88025-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12601