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How to Use Crutches Properly - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 如何使用枴杖-復健科


How to Use Crutches Properly - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 如何使用枴杖-復健科


1. ​Crutches length

  • When standing, the rubber crutch tip of axillary crutch is placed 15-20cm in front of the toes.
  • The distance between the crutch tip and the armpit is about the width of 2 fingers (3-5cm).
  • Let your hands hang down, the crutch handgrip lined up at the level of the wrist. Or hold crutches with your elbows bent 20 to 30 degrees.

2. Common gait

  • Three-point gait: crutches → the affected limb → the healthy limb.
  • Two-point gait: crutches + the affected limb →the healthy limb.

3. Up and down stairs

If there is a handrail for the stairs, please make sure to hold the handrail firmly when going up and down to ensure stability, with another hand holding the crutches.

  • Go upstairs: crutches and the body move close to the stairs → support your weight with crutches, the foot on the healthy side up the stairs first → followed by crutches and the affected limb at the same time.
  • Go downstairs: go down first with crutches →followed by the affected limb → support your weight with crutches, and go down the stairs with the healthy side.
  • The rule of thumb for going up/down the stairs with crutches: Up with the good; down with the bad.

4. Precautions

  • Never allow the crutches to touch your armpits.
  • Straighten the elbow to support your weight and avoid compression of the brachial plexus.
  • Before walking, please make sure that you are free from dizziness or excessive weakness, and ask your caregiver to accompany you (use the safety belt instead of holding hands) for safety.
  • Bring the affected leg forward so that it is in line with the crutches; do not step past the crutches.
  • Please follow the doctor's advice and do not bear excessive weight.

  • Bradley, S. M., & Hernandez, C. R. (2011). Geriatric assistive devices. American family physician, 84(4), 405–411.
製作單位:復健部 編碼:HE-88024-E
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