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Lithium 鋰鹽


Lithium 鋰鹽


What is lithium?

Lithium salts act on the nervous system and are mainly used to prevent and treat bipolar disorder.

What is the effect of lithium?

Lithium salts have a mood-stabilizing effect. Lithium can prevent and reduce relapse in approximately 80% of patients with bipolar disorder. Most patients are able to continue working or attending school if they adhere to long-term treatment.

Side effects of lithium

Hands trembling slightly, thirst, nausea, increased urine volume, abdominal discomfort, loose stool, fatigue, heavy hands and feet, muscle twitching.

Treatment of lithium side effects

  • The side effects of taking lithium are temporary, and usually disappear when resuming taking it.
  • Thirst can be quenched by drinking more boiled water or sucking on ice cubes in your mouth.
  • If trembling hands cause inconvenience, consider discussing treatment with your doctor.

Reaction to lithium poisoning

Lithium salt poisoning may cause a range of adverse reactions, the symptoms of which depend on the degree of poisoning. Here are some possible reactions:

  1. Nervous system symptoms: headache, tremor, unsteady gait, convulsions and coma, etc.
  2. Impaired kidney function: An overdose of lithium salts may have adverse effects on the kidneys, manifested as polyuria, dehydration and weakened kidney function.
  3. Heart symptoms: arrhythmia and heart failure, etc.
  4. Digestive system: vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  5. Neurological symptoms: confusion, drowsiness, lethargy and confusion.

Treatment of lithium poisoning

In the event of any symptoms or signs similar to poisoning, patients or family members should contact psychiatrists and nurses immediately. Doctors should examine the patient and take a blood sample to test the concentration of lithium in blood and adjust the dosage according to the situation.

Factors contributing to lithium poisoning

  • Overdose as a result of not following the doctor's instructions.
  • Improper intake of diet and water.
  • Special constitution and physical dysfunction.
  • Interaction with other drugs.

Cautions for taking lithium

  • Lithium is usually administered for 7 to 10 days before its effects become noticeable.
  • Regular and continuous use is required for it to be effective.
  • The dosage must be determined by a physician. An insufficient dose will not be effective, while an excessive dose may lead to serious side effects.
  • Maintain an adequate intake of water and follow a balanced diet.
  • In case of severe diarrhea, high fever, or physical illness, contact your doctor for advice regarding medication. If your doctor is unavailable, stop the medication temporarily and consult your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Discuss any other medications you are taking with your physician to avoid potential interactions.
  • To determine the appropriate dosage, attend regular hospital visits for blood tests as scheduled by your physician.
  • Blood sampling should be conducted 10 to 12 hours after the last dose of medication, with an empty stomach required.
  • If you are planning for pregnancy or are already pregnant, consult your doctor about medication adjustments.
  • 黃宣宜、陳瑞蘭、洪芬芳、張榮珍、李朝雄、湯美霞、江青桂、呂雀芬、陳美碧、金蓉蓉、林靜蘭、余靜雲、馬玉琴、陳淑姬、侯玟里、李姿瑩、黃一玲、吳佳珍、施燕華、…、王慈婷(2024).最新精神科護理學(11版).永大。
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