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TCM Recuperation for Breast Cancer Surgery 乳房惡性腫瘤手術的中醫調養


TCM Recuperation for Breast Cancer Surgery 乳房惡性腫瘤手術的中醫調養


Compared with other body cavity surgeries, breast cancer surgery may have a shorter operation time and a smaller surgical wound. However, in some cases, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) recuperation is recommended to help postoperative strength and wound recovery.

Patients who are advised to receive TCM recuperation before surgery:

  1. Older people (over age 65).
  2. Those who have poor physical strength and are prone to fatigue.
  3. People with long-term loss of appetite.
  4. Those who have a history of poor wound healing.

Patients who are advised to receive TCM recuperation after surgery:

  1. Those who have undergone a mastectomy.
  2. Those who have undergone endoscopic surgery or Da Vinci surgery with breast reconstruction.
  3. Those with decreased appetite, weakness and severe wound pain after surgery.

The following TCM healthcare approaches are recommended to help postoperative physical strength and wound recovery

Dietary suggestions

  1. Pay attention to the nutritional balance, but increase the protein intake moderately.
  2. Eat an adequate amount of food, do not overeat nor get over-hungry. If prone to dyspepsia, eat several small meals a day. 
  3. Choose more natural food and try to avoid processed food.
  4. Eat light food and avoid grilled, deep-fried, and spicy food.
  5. Eat more food rich in gelatin, such as black jelly fungus, okra, hamstrings and so on.

Lifestyle suggestions

  1. Keep regular hours. Don't stay up late or overwork.
  2. Develop a regular habit of doing exercises to maintain the mobility of the affected arm, but try not to over-tire yourself. Avoid heavy lifting or overstretching with the affected arm.
  3. Maintain a positive attitude. It is normal for patients with malignant tumors to be depressed, but they should change their mood and thoughts in due time. They can interact more with people and seek the support of patients' groups. If deeply distressed, consider visiting the psychosomatic department to maintain a positive attitude.

  • 羅元愷(2003).中醫婦科學(承啟版).知音。
  • Cava, E., Marzullo, P., Farinelli, D., Gennari, A., Saggia, C., Riso, S., & Prodam, F. (2022). Breast Cancer Diet "BCD": A Review of Healthy Dietary Patterns to Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence and Reduce Mortality. Nutrients14(3), 476.
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