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Joint Palliative Care 緩和醫療共同照護簡介(兒童醫院)


Joint Palliative Care 緩和醫療共同照護簡介(兒童醫院)


What is joint palliative care?

  • The "joint palliative care team" established by palliative care medical team will extend palliative care concepts and care methods to children with various diseases, so that all children and their families can have more physical, psychological, social and spiritual care. Team members include doctors, nurses, social workers, religious teachers, volunteers, etc.

People targeted by the service program

  • Cancer and non-cancer children in general wards.
  • Sick children and their families with physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs who agree to receive joint care by the joint palliative care team.
  • Others: communication problems with family members, notification of illness, needs of family members of dying sick children, etc.

Joint palliative care program items

  • Provide 24-hour telephone consultation service in wards.
  • Assist in caring for sick children with the original care team (currently in the ward).
  • Provide perfect care for sick children, including control of physical symptoms, psychological support, use of social resources and spiritual growth, so that patients and their families can have peace of mind.
  • Depending on the situation, we can provide 1-3 visits per week.
  • Provide basic nursing guidance and demonstration for family members to care for sick children.
  • Assist the sick children and their families to prepare for the upcoming death.
  • Provide consultation on social resources and referral.
  • Members of palliative care teams, including social workers and religious teachers, are arranged to provide care and assistance according to individual needs.
  • Assist the sick children to receive palliative care at home after discharge for complete medical care.
  • Assist children with intention and needs to be transferred to a palliative care unit.

The difference between joint palliative care and palliative care units?

  • The biggest difference is that the sick children can stay in the original ward and continue to receive the care offered by the original diagnosis and treatment team. Through the continuous visit and care by the "joint palliative care team," patients can still receive whole-person, whole-family, whole-process and whole-team care according to the palliative care concept.
  • 財團法人中華民國安寧照顧基金會(2022,12月1日).安寧療護基本概念介紹。
製作單位:護理部6B病房護理站 編碼:HE-EC000-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12690、12691