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Prevent Fall Injuries Avoid Fractures 預防跌倒受傷 避免骨折


Prevent Fall Injuries Avoid Fractures 預防跌倒受傷 避免骨折


Osteoporosis is clinically defined as low bone quality and weakened bone tissue mechanical structure that cause bone tissues to become fragile and prone to fractures.

Osteoporosis is a disease with low bone quality, which damages the microstructure of bones and leads to fragile bones prone to high risk of fracture.

According to the statistics by National Health Insurance, 5,000 cases of patella fracture in male ages of 65 and older were reported and 7,000 cases in female in 2010.

One-third of females in Taiwan at least suffer from spine, patella or wrist fracture once in their lifetime and one-fifth in males. The risk of fracture for women in menopause is twice higher than men at the same age due to the hormone changes that cause bone mass loss. Thus, early prevention of osteoporosis is crucial.

Beside increasing bone mass density and preventing bone mass loss, preventing fall injuries is the best way to avoid fracture. Prevention approaches are as follow:

  • Figuring the reasons for the falls in the past
  • Investigating the medicines that might cause the falls
  • Correcting vision and hearing
  • Avoiding alcohol and sedatives
  • Avoiding carrying heavy objects
  • Encouraging the use of assisting devices to increase balance
  • Increasing indoor lighting
  • Föger-Samwald, U., Dovjak, P., Azizi-Semrad, U., Kerschan-Schindl, K., & Pietschmann, P. (2020). Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and therapeutic options. EXCLI journal19, 1017–1037.
製作單位:骨科部 編碼:HE-20126-E
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