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Meniscus Cartilage Injury 半月板軟骨傷害


Meniscus Cartilage Injury 半月板軟骨傷害


“Meniscus” cartilage is a connective tissue, a three-dimensional structure consisted of water, collagen fibers, and glycoprotein, located in knee joint facet between femur and tibia. There are inner meniscus cartilage and outer meniscus cartilage, which was named after its crescent moon shape. The major functions of meniscus cartilage include force transmission, shock absorption, joint lubrication, and providing stability for part of the joint.

There are two types of knee joint meniscus cartilage injuries. The first type of meniscus cartilage injury occurs when knee joint is twisted or traumatized by external force, such as sport injury or car accident, when in its crouch position and cause the meniscus cartilage to rupture. Meniscus cartilage injury is common in males between ages of 20 and 40, which might be related to young males being more active and thus have higher risk of getting injured. In general, inner meniscus cartilage is more vulnerable, especially during aggressive activities, such as basketball, soccer, judo, and skiing. Inner meniscus cartilage is larger and thicker than outer meniscus cartilage with lower mobility, and thus is more vulnerable to injuries.

The other type is degenerative meniscus cartilage, which is often seen in middle age patients and seniors.

When knee joint meniscus cartilage is injured, there is pain in the knee. Foreign object sensation in knee occurs while walking. In severe cases, knee flexion might occur and lead to sensitivity of using strength on the thigh, which might cause quadriceps atrophy.

The diagnosis usually starts with the complaints, symptoms, and injury mechanism provided by patients and conduct clinical pathological examinations. If meniscus cartilage rupture is possible, MRI and arthroscopy will be utilized to confirm the diagnosis.

In the past 10 years, CMUH has conducted 1,500 arthroscopy procedures, 412 of which were diagnosed with meniscus cartilage rupture and were treated with very good recovery.

Knee joint is a complicated structure, which includes inner and outer meniscus, ligament, cartilage, femur, tibia, and joint synovial membrane. Therefore, it requires accurate diagnosis to confirm meniscus cartilage injury, which takes experienced physicians. We recommend early medical intervention for knee injuries for better recovery.

  • Bhan K. (2020). Meniscal Tears: Current Understanding, Diagnosis, and Management. Cureus12(6), e8590.
  • Raj MA, Bubnis MA. Knee Meniscal Tears. [Updated 2022 Jul 18]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
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