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Care after Artificial Joint Replacement Procedure 人工關節術後衛教說明


Care after Artificial Joint Replacement Procedure 人工關節術後衛教說明


The purpose of artificial joint replacement is to provide an artificial articular facet to replace the deformed or deteriorated joint to resume mobility and normal mobility pattern.

When to Use

  • Severe degenerative joint disease
  • Severe osteonecrosis
  • Traumatized degenerative joint disease
  • Deformed joint with deterioration or joint wear

Possible Side Effects

  • Infection and osteomyelitis might occur due to improper care or poor immune system.
  • Artificial joint has a limited strength, please be cautious about the weight bearing as instructed by the doctor. Improper weight bearing or activities may cause artificial joint to become loose, dislocated, or even fractured.

Care after the Procedure

  • Please use proper crutches or assisting devices as instructed by your physician after the procedure.
  • Please start weight bearing or move limbs in a timely manner as instructed by your physician.
  • Cleanse and care for the wound based on the secretion as instructed by your physician and put on clean gauze pads after cleansing.
  • Keep the wound dry before the stitches are removed. Avoid water (tap water, drinking water) or other non-sanitized objects.
  • Please keep the wound dry after being discharged from the hospital. If the wound gets wet, please change the dressing immediately.
  • Make sure the main caregiver understand the procedure for cleansing and caring for the wound before being discharged from the hospital. Should you have any questions, please consult with your physician or nurse.
  • Gademan, M. G., Hofstede, S. N., Vliet Vlieland, T. P., Nelissen, R. G., & Marang-van de Mheen, P. J. (2016). Indication criteria for total hip or knee arthroplasty in osteoarthritis: a state-of-the-science overview. BMC musculoskeletal disorders17(1), 463.
  • Heo, S. M., Harris, I., Naylor, J., & Lewin, A. M. (2020). Complications to 6 months following total hip or knee arthroplasty: observations from an Australian clinical outcomes registry. BMC musculoskeletal disorders21(1), 602.
製作單位:骨科部 編碼:HE-20091-E
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