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Emergency Department-Notes for dizzy patients 急診—眩暈病人注意事項


Emergency Department-Notes for dizzy patients 急診—眩暈病人注意事項


After careful diagnosis and treatment by the doctor, you can go home and recuperate. The following instructions can help you follow-up care at home.

  • The symptoms of vertigo usually continue for several days. Please continue follow-up treatment at the ENT or neurology clinic.
  • When returning home, you should rest in bed, maintain a quiet and safe environment, rinse your mouth frequently when you have vomiting, to keep your mouth clean, and temporarily fast. If you have signs of dehydration, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
  • The change of posture should be done slowly, and someone should be accompanied when getting out of bed.
  • Use a low-sodium, light diet: Avoid eating foods that are too salty, such as pickled products. Small meals.
  • Avoid being in a noisy environment, get enough rest and sleep, avoid staying up late, relax and reduce stress.

See a doctor as soon as possible in the following situations

  • The symptoms of vertigo persist or worsen.
  • Severe headache with nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision.
  • Change of consciousness.
  • Weakness or paralysis of one side of the hands and feet.
  • Unsteady walking.
  • Diplopia (seeing things with repeated images).
  • Abdominal pain, chest pain, back pain, etc. that make you suspicious.
  • If you have any questions after leaving the hospital, please use the emergency 24-hour consultation service phone:
  • Medical consultation telephone: (04) 22052121 ext. 15150 or 15151
  • Drug consultation telephone: (04) 22052121 ext. 15124
  • Pediatric medical consultation telephone: (04) 22052121 ext. 15158
  • 台灣急診醫學會(2019,6月18日)‧在急診診斷與處理BPPV,YouTube自學指引。
  • 台灣急診醫學會(2021,4月29日).暈眩(Vertigo)在急診的診斷及治療更新。
  • 呂居學、周汎澔(2008)‧暈眩症患者生活品質之護理照護論述‧嘉基護理,8(1),16-21。
  • 廖縉偉、蔡崇煌、周俊德、劉博仁(2007)‧眩晕症的鑑別診斷及其治療‧基層醫學,22(8),270-277。
製作單位:急症暨外傷中心急診部 編碼:HE-70013-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 15150