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Emergency-precautious after traumatic suture 急診—外傷縫合後注意事項


Emergency-precautious after traumatic suture 急診—外傷縫合後注意事項

  • After the wound is sutured, please keep the wound dry and avoid soaking. You can cover the gauze with plastic wrap and tape when showering.
  • If the gauze on the wound gets wet accidentally, please remove the gauze as soon as possible, wipe the wound with a sterile cotton stick moistened with physiological saline, and then cover it with sterilized gauze. If you cannot change the dressing by yourself, please visit a clinic to change the dressing.
  • If the wound is large or complicated, please follow the doctor's instructions and return to the hospital for dressing changing on time.
  • Pay close attention to whether there is rebreeding of the wound. If the wound is located on a joint, keep the joint straight and avoid stretching the sutures during the movement, which may cause the wound to split and re-bleed.
  • The tissue will continue to swell in the next 8 to 12 hours after the injury. Please raise the injured area to reduce the swelling.
  • Please follow the doctor's instructions to take the medicine and avoid wound infection.
  • Do not apply any ointment without the permission of the doctor to avoid inflammation.
  • Avoid eating irritating foods, such as tobacco, alcohol, and peppers. Eat more foods high in protein and vitamins.
  • Avoid sun and sweat.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise on the affected area to prevent the wound from opening.
  • Wound infection can develop from 3 to 4 days. If you have the following conditions, please return to the hospital for further examination and treatment: fever, chills, redness, swelling, heat pain, and pus oozing from the wound.
  • How to change dressings for simple wounds at home:
  • Change dressing 2 times a day
  • Dip a cotton swab with normal saline to remove blood stains and secretions.
  • Coat open wound with antibiotic ointment. Avoid using betadine to prevent pigmentation.
  • Generally, the wound on the face is healed in 5 days, upper limbs and trunk take about 10 days, and foot about 14 days. Please return to an emergency trauma department for evaluation of suture removal.
  • If you have any questions after leaving the hospital, please use the emergency 24-hour consultation service phone:
  • Medical consultation telephone: (04) 22052121 ext. 15150 or 15151
  • Drug consultation telephone: (04) 22052121 ext. 15124
  • Pediatric medical consultation telephone: (04) 22052121 ext. 15158
  • 林杏麟、李維哲(2014).外傷傷口的處置流程.臺灣醫界,57(2),24-26。
  • 衛生福利部(2013,11月26日).傷口敷料用得對,傷口照護快又好!。
  • 衛生福利部疾病管制署(2001,10月19日).傷口『紅、腫、熱、痛』,要注意了!。
  • UpToDate_Patient eductation: stitches and staples (The Basics)
  • Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine_Wound Closure
製作單位:急症暨外傷中心急診部 編碼:HE-70003-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 15150