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Postoperative Diet 代謝減重手術後飲食


Postoperative Diet 代謝減重手術後飲食


Diet Progress

  • Please followed by the diet progress: 1.clear liquid foods 2.liquid foods 3.soft foods 4.solid foods
  • Eat slowly. Thirty minutes for each meal.
  • Eat less but frequently. Chew slowly (at least 25 times) to prevent gastric outlet obstruction and vomiting.

Foods and Supplements

  • Eat foods in small pieces for all meals and snacks daily.
  • Drink 6-8 cups (1500-2000 cc) of fluid daily to prevent dehydration and constipation.
  • Take multivitamins and minerals daily as instructed by doctor.

Food Restrictions

  • Avoid concentrated sweets (such as sugar, cola, cake, ice cream), especially if you had gastric bypass surgery, which leads to “dumping syndrome” easily.
  • Avoid irritating foods and concentrated sweets to prevent gastroesophageal reflux after receiving sleeve gastrectomy, mini sleeve gastrectomy, sleeve gastrectomy bypass, and Lap-Band gastric placation surgery.
  • Avoid greasy foods to prevent vomit and weight gain.
  • Avoid drinking fluid and soup during meals. Drink water between meals or 30-45 minutes after meals.
  • Do not consume irritating foods such as iced water, coffee, tea, alcohol, and anything spices.


  • The stomach only hold a small amount of food after surgery and only hold half of a cup to one cup (120-240 cc) of food when recovered completely. Vomit or discomfort may occur when eating too much. Please stop eating when feeling discomfort and vomiting.
  • If discomfort occurs after consuming some certain foods, please back to the previous diet, such as clear liquid, liquid, or soft foods for a week.

Diet Progress Guidelines

1 Day after Surgery
1 Week after Surgery
2 Weeks after Surgery
3-4 Weeks after Surgery
4 Weeks and more after Surgery
Drink water or fasting as instructed by doctor
Clear liquid foods
Liquid foods
Soft foods
Solid foods


Clear liquid foods

  • Food choices: plain water, filtered soup, sport drinks (dilute with water in 1:1), filtered no sugar added juice (dilute with water in 1:1), honey water (dilute with water in 1:10), Resource fruit beverage (dilute with water in 1:1), drink non-fat chicken soup and fish soup.
  • Fluid consumption: take sips of water and clear liquid foods, about 120 c.c per hour. Do not devour or polish off to prevent bloating and vomiting.
  • Take multivitamin effervescent tablets.

Liquid foods:

  • Food choices: low fat, low sugar, low fiber, ground and filtered foods, such as non-fat clear soup, rice soup, barley milk, soy milk, and milk.
  • Calorie intake: about 800 calories and 60 g of protein.
  • Others:

Foods and drinks will impact weight loss. It will not be satisfying when you consume small amount of liquid foods but with high calories. On the other hand, when consuming low calorie liquid foods with insufficient protein, it will effect your health and make your immune system lower and hair loss. Sample Menu: < 800 calories liquid diet >

Soy milk 200 cc + high protein formula milk 5 g
75 calories
10 g
Morning Snack
Barley milk 200 cc + high protein formula milk 5 g
135 calories
10 g
Balanced formula 150 cc + high protein formula milk 5 g
175 calories
10 g
Afternoon Snack
Papaya milk 200 cc + high protein formula milk 5 g
140 calories
10 g
Balanced formula 150 cc + high protein formula milk 5 g
175 calories
10 g
Evening Snack
Low fat milk 200 cc + high protein formula milk 5 g
100 calories
10 g
800 calories/ 60 g

Soft Foods:

  • Calorie intake: about 800 calories and 60 g of protein.
  • Fluid intake: about 120-180 cc per hour. At least 6-8 cups (1500 – 2000 cc) of fluid daily.
  • Food choices: low sugar, low fat, and high protein foods.
  • Sample menu: < 800 calories of soft diet >
Fat free milk 200 cc + oatmeal 20 g
145 calories
10 g
Morning Snack
Soy milk 200 cc + high protein formula milk 5 g
75 calories
10 g
Half bowl of porridge, home style tofu (1/2 piece), whitebait with amaranth (1/4 bowl of amaranth)
155 calories
10 g
Afternoon Snack
Papaya milk 200 cc + high protein formula milk 5 g
140 calories
10 g
Chinese angel hair noodle soup (angel hair 20 g, 1 egg, a tbs ground meat), 1 small banana
185 calories
10 g
Evening Snack
Low fat milk 200 cc + high protein formula milk 5 g
100 calories
10 g
800 calories / 60 g

Solid Foods

  • The amount of food to eat is adjusted based on personal endurance. The calorie intake may be increased gradually to 1200 calories with 60 g of protein.
  • Sample menu: < 1200 calories of solid diet >
Fat free milk 240 cc, 1 serving of toasts with egg.
Half bowl of beef noodles (no soup), half bowl of blanched vegetables, a small banana
Half bowl of rice, stir fried tomatoes with sliced meat (2 tsp oil, the size of 3 fingers of meat), half piece of chilled tofu, half bowl of stir fried vegetables (1 tsp oil), a small apple
  • American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American College of Endocrinology, The Obesity Society, American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, Obesity Medicine Association, and American Society of Anesthesiologists (2019) Clinical practice guidelines for the perioperative nutrition, metabolic, and nonsurgical support of patients undergoing bariatric procedures
製作單位:國際代謝形體醫學中心 編碼:HE-20163-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 17688