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Treatment of Articulation Disorders in Children 小兒構音異常治療


Treatment of Articulation Disorders in Children 小兒構音異常治療


Communication is a multi-level dynamic process, which enables human beings to form a communication pattern with their environment. Difficulty in articulation results in the inability to communicate with others.

Cause of Articulation Disorders

  • Functional articulation disorders: There is no defect in physiological organs or nervous system problems but only due to environmental or psychological factors, or incorrect learning.
  • Organic articulation disorders: cleft palate (rabbit lip), hearing impairment, language motor nerve impairment, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, hyperactive children, etc.

Types of Articulation Disorders

  • Omission: The sound that should be pronounced is omitted, for example, "Da Xiang" (大象) is pronounced as "A Yang" (阿樣).
  • Substitution: Replacing a standard sound with another one, such as “Wo De” (我的) pronounced as “Wo Ge”(我哥).
  • Addition: Adding sounds that should not exist, for example, “Ai Zi” (矮子) is pronounced as “Dai Zu”(歹組).
  • Distortion: The sound is distorted a lot, completely losing its original sound type, such as “Fei Ren”(肥人) pronounced as“Hui Ling”(灰羚). 

Diagnosis and Therapy

The function of language must be evaluated by a professional speech therapist. In case of an articulation disorder, a speech therapist should be consulted as soon as possible. For children with articulation disorders or language delay, the cause should be assessed first as organic or functional.

If it is organic, such as children with hearing impairment, first correct their hearing; children with cleft lip/palate should be surgically repaired. Those with a lingual tie too short should receive a minor operation first. For children with multiple disorders, if necessary, doctors in other departments should be consulted in addition to the intervention of otolaryngologists. If the child is still abnormal in articulation or slow in speech by the age of three and a half, speech therapy should be given by a speech therapist, and parents should work together to create a clear and correct language learning environment.

  • 林寶貴、錡寶香. (2000). Counseling Manual for Students with Language Impairment.
  • Clark A. Rosen MD FACS (2013). Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery: Otolaryngology (Head & Neck Surgery- Otolaryngology) fifth edition
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