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Care for Hair Loss in Cancer Patients 癌症病人毛髮脫落的照顧


Care for Hair Loss in Cancer Patients 癌症病人毛髮脫落的照顧


Hair loss or alopecia is probably one of the most common and often intolerable side effects you hear about. The degree of hair loss is largely related to the medications used and does not happen to everyone.

Hair loss does not begin until two or three weeks after treatment, or after two courses of treatment. The patient’s hair may be falling out gradually or in clumps, with the rest on the head becoming drier. In serious cases, you are advised to shave your head to eliminate the trauma of watching your hair fall out clump by clump.

In addition, hair loss is not limited to the head, but can occur in every part of the body, such as eyebrows, armpit hair, hand hair, leg hair and even pubic hair.

At the beginning of hair loss, people are often unable to face themselves, resulting in social isolation. This kind of change of body and mind is a normal reaction. At this point, they should change their mood to face their new look. But don't forget, hair will grow back slowly after treatment, even during treatment in some cases!

Hair and scalp care

Take care of your hair and scalp during hair loss:

  • Choose a mild neutral shampoo; brush your hair with a wide-toothed, soft comb. Be careful not to blow-dry your hair on high heat.
  • Avoid stimulating your scalp, do not use hair gel, hairspray, etc. During treatment, do not perm and dye hair.
  • Hair loss is an opportunity to create another type of beauty. Keeping your hair short will make it look less sparse and easier to deal with.
  • Choose a headscarf and learn to change new styles. Choose your favorite hat with season and occasion to lighten your mood. Buy a wig fit for you. It's better to go to a wig shop before you start to lose your hair. This will give you enough time to choose a wig that matches your original hair color and hairstyle.
  • Just relax and be a gorgeous bald men and women!

  • 謝筱喬、謝伶瑜、趙千淑、林妙穎、劉欣萍、陳怡燐(2012)。頭皮冷卻法預防化療引起之掉髮。台灣醫學,16(3),320-325。
  • Haslam, I. S., & Smart, E. (2019). Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss: The Use of Biomarkers for Predicting Alopecic Severity and Treatment Efficacy. Biomarker insights14, 1177271919842180.
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