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Preventing Obesity in Children and Adolescents預防兒童及青少年肥胖之原則(精簡版)


Preventing Obesity in Children and Adolescents預防兒童及青少年肥胖之原則(精簡版)


For overweight and normal-weight children or adolescents, the following handling principles are based on recommendations validated by medical research to prevent the occurrence or deterioration of obesity:

  • Limit TV watching consumer electronics usage to up to 2 hours a day
  • Do not place TV or consumer electronics where children sleep
  • Eat breakfast every day
  • Reduce the consumption of sugary drinks
  • Restrict dining in restaurants, especially fast food restaurants
  • Encourage parents to eat with children
  • Limit the consumption of large food and beverages
  • Eat appropriate portions of vegetables and fruits at each meal
  • Eat a high-calcium, high-fiber diet
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Feed infants only breast milk for 6 months; continue breastfeeding for more than 12 months after adding non-staple foods
  • Engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per day
  • Limit intake of high-calorie foods


  • 衛生福利部國民健康署(2018,10月).兒童肥胖防治實證指引。
  • Barlow, S. E., & Expert Committee (2007). Expert committee recommendations regarding the prevention, assessment, and treatment of child and adolescent overweight and obesity: summary report. Pediatrics120 Suppl 4, S164–S192.
  • Chen, W., & Chang, M. H. (2010). New growth charts for Taiwanese children and adolescents based on World Health Organization standards and health-related physical fitness. Pediatrics and neonatology51(2), 69–79.
  • Chen, W., Chen, S. C., Hsu, H. S., & Lee, C. (1997). Counseling clinic for pediatric weight reduction: program formulation and follow-up. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association = Taiwan yi zhi96(1), 59–62.
製作單位:臨床營養科 編碼:HE-50087-1-E
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