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My Plate-Smart Eating, Comes Along the Nutrition 我的餐盤~聰明吃,營養跟著來


My Plate-Smart Eating, Comes Along the Nutrition 我的餐盤~聰明吃,營養跟著來


“My Plate”,designed by National Health Department based on the 2018 version of “Daily Dietary Guideline”, uses slogans based on the daily consumption portion of the 6 food groups, including grains, protein, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and nuts, to help the public to easily eat healthy every meal. Fat group is not presented on My Plate because it is added during different cooking methods.

Smart eating with “My Plate”, you will be filled up with delicious and nutritious meals!

“My Plate” slogans proposed by National Health Department

A Glass of Milk in the Morning and Evening Every Day

  • A glass of 240 C.C of dairy in the morning and evening is recommended for calcium intake to maintain healthy bones. Adding dairy in cooking or consuming cheese, or no added sugar yogurt is recommended.


Fruits as Big as A Fist

  • Consumption of two servings of fruits daily is recommended, favorably local and seasonal varieties.
  • One serving is about the size of a fist. Cut fruit is about ½ - 1 bowl.


More Vegetables than Fruits

  • One should consume more vegetables than fruits and choose seasonal, 1/3 of dark color vegetables (including dark green, yellow, orange, and red color vegetables).

Eat as Much Rice as Vegetables

  • One should consume as much whole grains as vegetables and favorably the whole grains that “maintain its original state”, including at least 1/3 of unrefined whole grains, such as brown rice, whole wheat products, oats, corn, and sweet potatoes.

A Palm of Beans, Fish, Eggs, & Meat

  • A handful of protein food group can provide about 1.5-2 servings. To avoid consuming too much unhealthy saturated fat, the intake order is beans>fish>eggs>meat, and should avoid processed meat products.

A Teaspoonful of Nuts & Seeds

  • One serving of nuts and seeds daily is recommended.
  • One serving of nuts and seeds is about a teaspoonful (about 5 almonds, 10 peanuts, 5 cashews). You can consume 1 tablespoonful of nuts and seeds daily at a time or spread out through 3 meals, 1 teaspoonful each meal (1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons).
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