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Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer by Oral Self-examination 口腔自我檢查 早期診斷口腔癌


Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer by Oral Self-examination 口腔自我檢查 早期診斷口腔癌

  • Check your face in a mirror.
  • See if the face is asymmetrical, or if there is a prominent lump.
  • Open your mouth with or without difficulty.
  • Grab your throat (neck) with your fingers and swallow saliva to see if you feel anything different?
  • Check the inside of your mouth with a mirror.
  • Open upper and lower lips: Examine the oral mucosa and gums for lumps, discoloration (white or red), roughening or ulcers that have not healed for more than two weeks.
  • Put out the tongue and swing around to see if the sensation is normal; roll up the tongue to see if there are protrusions, painful lumps, ulcers and other symptoms at the tongue abdomen, edge and bottom of the mouth.
  • Open your mouth and make a "ah" sound. Check whether there are any abnormal phenomena such as protrusions, lumps and ulcers in the soft jaw, hard jaw and uvula.

If you have any of the above symptoms, please go to the otolaryngology or oral and maxillofacial surgery as soon as possible! An appetite for a moment will only lead to irreparable regret!

  • 侯勝博(2011).口腔癌防治新進展.台北市醫師公會會刊,55(2),13-21。
製作單位:癌症中心癌登癌篩組 編碼:HE-10133-5-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 14821、14823