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Color-Coded Carotid Artery and Transcranial Sonography 彩色頸動脈及穿顱超音波檢查須知


Color-Coded Carotid Artery and Transcranial Sonography 彩色頸動脈及穿顱超音波檢查須知


Purposes of the Examination

  • Carotid artery and transcranial sonography is a non-invasive examination to evaluate the function of the carotid and vertebral artery system in the neck and their main branches supplying the brain.
  • Carotid artery and transcranial sonography may be arranged for patients with reversible ischemic neurological deficits (such as partial weakness, visual impairment, speech disorder and memory loss), ischemic stroke, pulsatile tinnitus, central type vertigo, high risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases, cerebral atherosclerotic stenosis with bruits or before/after carotid endarterectomy evaluation, and cerebral arteriovenous malformation, etc.

What you should know before going for the examination

  • Do not wear turtleneck clothes.
  • Do not wear foundation and eye shadow (make-ups).
  • Do not wear necklaces.
  • Fasting is NOT required.
  • Be accompanied by your family members.
  • Be on time.

What you should know about the procedure

  • You will stay in a quiet room with soft lighting.
  • You will lie down and just be relaxed.
  • It usually takes about one hour for this examination.

Precautions after the Examination

  • You may resume normal activities afterwards.
  • 蔡秀鸞(2017).最新實用內外科護理學(下冊)( 17-39頁).永大。
製作單位:神經部 編碼:HE-T2000-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 15088