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Stroke and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 腦中風與高壓氧治療


Stroke and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 腦中風與高壓氧治療


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a treatment for patients to inhale 100% oxygen in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber that has 1.4 barometric pressure.

What is Stroke?

Stroke occurs when cerebrovascular clogs or ruptures and interferes with the blood flow in the brain. Brain cells do not have sufficient oxygen and cause brain damage, which result in the loss of partial body functions, impacting daily routines. Stroke may lead to death in some severe cases.

Getting the patient to the hospital as soon as possible to receive treatment early is the key to limiting the damages. It is beneficial for patients to recover to their best conditions when they receive neurological and neurosurgical treatments along with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and acupuncture.

The Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Stroke

  • Effectively increase the oxygen partial pressure in brain tissues to improve the lack of oxygen in tissues. The oxygen level increases in the ischemic area and brain functions recover gradually, preventing permanent neurological damages in the ischemic area.
  • Stimulate the angiogenesis in the stroke area to increase blood circulation and improve tissue ischemia. Enhance the metabolism and repair competence of tissues to increase the survival of damaged tissues and improve the brain tissue activity after stroke.
  • Make Stimulate cerebral vaso-constriction to relieve cerebral edema, lower intracranial pressure, and facilitate the repair of brain tissues after the embolism.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy must be approved by specialists through outpatient appointment or consultation of doctors with cautious evaluation of patient’s safety.

製作單位:高壓氧治療中心 編碼:HE-10282-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 15472、15473