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Chest Ultrasound 胸腔超音波檢查


Chest Ultrasound 胸腔超音波檢查


Purpose of Examination

Ultrasound, by using the difference in breast tissue density, converts the depth of echo waves into the image of tissues to distinguish whether there is any abnormality in the chest.

The advantiges of this examination include easily operation, rapidity, noninvasiveness, and no radiation exposure, Ultrasound is a safe examination that provides images quickly.


  • Chest wall lesions: tumors or abscesses in the chest wall or ribs.
  • Pleural lesions: tumors, pleural fibrosis, pleural effusion, empyema.
  • Mediastinal tumors: anterior or posterior mediastinal tumors.
  • Peripheral lung lesions: malignant or benign tumors.
  • Parenchymal lung lesions: pulmonary collapse or obstructive pneumonia which are caused by a tumor blocks the airway
  • Pericardial lesions: pericardial effusion, neoplasms, etc.
  • Neck lymphatic metastasis.

Examination and Therapy Programs

  • Chest ultrasound imaging.
  • Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration.
  • Ultrasound-guided biopsy of thoracic or pleural lesions.
  • Ultrasound guided pleural effusion drainage or chest tube insertion and drainage.

Precautions before Examination

  • Fill in the checkup consent form and bring it to the examination room on the day of examination.
  • Fasting is not necessary before the examination.
  • Please wear loose-fitting two-piece clothes to facilitate the process. Do not wear corsets.
  • Patient should inform the physician about his/her medical history like uremia, long-term hemodialysis treatment, and medication that could aleter bleeding tendency( anticoagulants such as aspirin) or allergy to local anesthetics

Examination Process

  • Patients receiving "ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration, thoracic drainage, and a chest biopsy" should follow the instructions of the physician to inhale, exhale, or hold the breath to reduce the risk of pneumothorax.

Precautions after Examination

  • Keep the wound clear and dry on the day after the examination. The gauze can be removed the next day.
  • Patient should not be afraid that If there is some brief and small amounts of blood-streaked sputum after "ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration, thoracic drainage, and a chest biopsy" That is normal phenomenon. If patient feel dyspnea (which may produce pneumothorax) and excessive or persistent hemoptysis, seek help immediately in the emergency room of the hospital.
  • 刁翠美、周宜宏、邱宏仁、丘思穎、王信凱、顏昭璿(2016).胸腔之超音波診斷學.於萬永亮、周宜宏總校閱,一般超音波診斷學(第二版,71-85頁).中華民國醫用超音波學會。
製作單位:內科部胸腔科肺功能室 編碼:HE-T2057-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12224、15485