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Care after Cystoscopy 膀胱鏡檢查後須知


Care after Cystoscopy 膀胱鏡檢查後須知


Dear Mr. __________________________ (Account #                   ):

  • You finished the (  ) Cystoscopy  (  ) Double-J Ureteral Stent Removal {(  ) right side    (  ) left side} procedure on _______/______/________(mm/dd/yyyy). There might be blood in your urine and you might have frequent urination or burning sensation when urinating. These are common symptoms after the procedure. Drinking lots of water can relieve these symptoms. Please contact us at the numbers below if you experience severe pain in low abdomen, massive bleeding, fever or cold sweating.
  • Day:

Ultrasound Room, Urology Department: (04) 22052121 ext. 16354 or 16355.

  • After hours, holidays, or midnight:

Nurse Station, Urology Department: (04) 22052121 ext. 16390, 16391, or 16392

  • If fever or cold sweats occurs, bring this slip to emergency room during nighttime or holidays. Urologists will be called to see you.


  • Your Physician: ______________________
  • Your next appointment: _______/________/________(mm/dd/yyyy)

(  ) Morning   (  ) Afternoon   (  ) Evening

  • Alan W. Partin, Roger R. Dmochowski, Louis R. Kavoussi, Craig A. Peters & Alan Wein(2020).Campbell Walsh Wein Urology(12th ed.,pp.185-202). Elsevier.
  • Yucetas, U., Aglamis, E., Ates, H. A., Behzatoglu, K., Erkan, E., Toktas, M. G., & Unluer, E. (2020). Is cystoscopy follow-up protocol safe for low-risk bladder cancer without muscle invasion?. Urology annals12(1), 25–30.
製作單位:泌尿部檢查室 編碼:HE-T2062-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 16355