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Health Education Instructions After Double-J Stent Placement 雙J導管術後衛教說明


Health Education Instructions After Double-J Stent Placement 雙J導管術後衛教說明


Name of medical device

Double-J stent


A Double J stent is a long and thin tube placed in the ureter, which is used to support the ureter so that urine can be discharged normally. It is called double J because it has two "J-shaped" (curled) ends.

When to use

Keep the ureter unobstructed to avoid renal edema caused by ureteral stricture, obstruction and mucosal edema, such as ureteral pressure caused by tumor compression, which prevents normal urine drainage.

Possible side effects

  • Hematuria: intraoperative stent placement may cause bleeding, which may lead to hematuria.
  • Infection: Stent placement may cause bacterial infection and inflammation.
  • Ureteral catheterization may not be possible due to ureteral stricture.
  • The double J stent may fall off by itself.

Postoperative care

  • The double J stent should be placed in the body for no more than 3 months. If long-term use of the stent is needed to improve renal edema, it is generally necessary to replace it every 3 months or so. Long-term placement without replacement is likely to cause the formation of stones and difficult to remove.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise as it may lead to upward displacement or detachment of the double J stent, and easily cause hematuria.
  • Proper hydration is required. For those with no potential disease who are advised not to drink too much water, appropriate hydration is recommended to avoid hematuria or infection.
  • 台灣泌尿科醫學會(2022).尿路結石.TUA 泌尿科治療指引。
  • 吳孟珊、張君伃(2021).輸尿管結石患者行輸尿管鏡碎石手術之相關照護.中科大學報,8(1),85-96。
  • 蘇淑芬、吳孟珊、張君伃(2019).探討合併藥物治療對雙J導管置入病人疼痛及泌尿症狀之成效系統性文獻回顧.榮總護理,36(3),297-308。
製作單位:醫學影像部 編碼:HE-T2065-E
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