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Post-Double-J Stent Insertion Patient Education 雙J導管術後衛教說明


Post-Double-J Stent Insertion Patient Education 雙J導管術後衛教說明


Indications for Double-J Stent Placement

  1. To allow urine to flow smoothly from the kidney to the bladder, keeping the ureter unobstructed and alleviating hydronephrosis.
  2. To prevent urine leakage from surgical wound sites and to promote ureteral healing.

Possible Side Effects

  1. Hematuria (blood in urine): The insertion procedure may cause minor bleeding, leading to blood in the urine.
  2. Urinary symptoms: Frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, or incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  3. Pain: Discomfort or pain in the lower back or abdominal area.
  4. Infection: The procedure may cause bacterial infections or inflammation.
  5. Ureteral narrowing: Difficulty inserting the stent due to ureteral stricture.
  6. Stent displacement: The stent may shift or dislodge on its own.

Postoperative Care Instructions

  1. Drink 2,000–3,000 ml of fluids daily (including any beverages) to prevent hematuria and urinary tract infections. Patients with fluid restrictions should follow their doctor's advice.
  2. Do not hold in urine, as this may cause urine to flow back to the kidneys through the stent.
  3. Consume more vegetables and fruits to prevent constipation.
  4. Avoid prolonged standing, sitting, squatting, stretching, or any activities that increase abdominal pressure, such as sit-ups, straining during bowel movements or urination, and lifting heavy objects, to prevent hematuria or stent displacement.
  5. If you notice hematuria, reduce physical activity, rest, and drink more water. Monitor the color of your urine. If bright red blood persists in your urine, return to the clinic immediately.
  6. General stents: Double-J stents should not remain in the body for more than three months. If long-term use is required to manage hydronephrosis, stents are generally replaced every three months. Failure to replace stents regularly can lead to stone formation or complications during removal.
  7. Attend follow-up appointments as scheduled to allow your doctor to assess the condition of the stent and arrange for its removal or replacement as needed.
  • 蘇淑芬、吳孟珊、張君伃(2019).探討合併藥物治療對雙J導管置入病人疼痛及泌尿症狀之成效系統性文獻回顧.榮總護理,36(3),297-308。
製作單位:護理部13C病房護理站 編碼:HE-T2065-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 16390