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Gynecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Reduction) 男性女乳症手術注意事項


Gynecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Reduction) 男性女乳症手術注意事項


Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men. Though painless, it has a dampening effect on their appearance and self-confidence.

The surgery is performed mostly from the incision beside the areola. Excision techniques are recommended where breast tissue or excess skin must be removed to correct gynecomastia. Excision also is necessary if the areola will be reduced or the nipple will be repositioned to a more natural male contour. Sometimes gynecomastia is treated with both liposuction and excision.

Sometimes gynecomastia is treated with Sharving technique, minimal sincision over bilateral armpit, sharve the excess fat and glandular breast tissue.

Notes after surgery

  • Do not get the wound wet with water during bathing or showering for 3 days. Wipe it with a wet towel.
  • The chest is fixed with an elastic bandage (or pressure garment) after operation. Do not release it until a return visit.
  • The placed drainage tube is removed in about 2-3 days. Please observe the outflow volume. If any abnormality is detected (e.g. red color and large amounts), please contact the medical staff immediately.
  • Do not lift your arms above your head, engage in strenuous exercise or lift heavy stuff within 1 week after surgery.
  • Avoid strenuous hand exercises for a month.
  • Pressure garments should be worn for 1 to 3 months after operation.
  • Abnormal nipple and breast skin sensation: Postoperative pain is common, as is abnormal nipple sensation, but most people will return to normal health or improve. Massage can alleviate the symptoms after removal of stitches, and only a few people experience partial or permanent loss of sensation in some areas.
  • After surgery, elastic gauze or tape is used to reduce swelling and prevent hematomas.
  • If a drainage tube is placed, drainage volumes should be recorded for 24 hours every day and avoid pulling the tube. If there is more drainage fluid, the suction ball will expand. When the suction ball is about half full, drainage fluid should be poured out to keep the ball in a negative pressure state.
  • Wound healing may take 1 to 2 weeks, stitches are removed in 10-14 days, and areola wrinkles can be improved by massage for about 3 to 6 months.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. (04)2205-2121 ext. 12020, 12021

Business Hour: Monday through Friday 08:00am-6:00pm, Saturday 08:00am-12:00pm, our center located at 11F, CMU Children’s Hospital.

  • American society of plastic surgeons. What is gynecomastia surgery?
製作單位:美容中心 編碼:HE-25024-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12020