Coronary arteries in the heart are very tiny with diameter between 0.2 ~ 0.3cm. The consecutive and fast 640-slice CT in synch with ECG shows micro lesion, discover minor calcification deposit in coronary arties, or calcification plaques or soft plaques in the size of sesame seeds, and can even evaluate the occlusion situation of the entire blood vessel, in order to diagnose heart disease early. Arteriosclerosis (or known as atherosclerosis) is commonly seen in large and medium arteries, including aortic artery and other branches, as well as coronary arties. In coronary arties, the area most frequently suffer from “sclerosis” start from the opening of coronary arteries (connection with aortic artery) to the frontend of the three branches, including: LAD, Segment 6, Segment 7 of LM/LCA, Segment 5, LCX, Segment 11, Segment 13, and RCA, Segment 1.
Effective Risk Control Factor for 640-Slice Coronary Computed Tomography 冠狀動脈電腦斷層攝影
- Ueng, K. C., Chiang, C. E., Chao, T. H., Wu, Y. W., Lee, W. L., Li, Y. H., Ting, K. H., Su, C. H., Lin, H. J., Su, T. C., Liu, T. J., Lin, T. H., Hsu, P. C., Wang, Y. C., Chen, Z. C., Jen, H. L., Lin, P. L., Ko, F. Y., Yen, H. W., Chen, W. J., … Hou, C. J. (2023). 2023 Guidelines of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology on the Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Coronary Syndrome. Acta Cardiologica Sinica, 39(1), 4–96.
製作單位:內科部心臟血管系 編碼:HE-T2073-E
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