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Instruction for Electrophysiology Study 心臟電氣生理學檢查注意事項


Instruction for Electrophysiology Study 心臟電氣生理學檢查注意事項


To understand the different pathogenesis of tachycardia or bradycardia and arrhythmia in order to take the most appropriate treatment approach.

Pre-Examination Instruction

  • Complete the letter of agreement.
  • Take blood drawing.
  • Fasting 4~6 hours before the examination, or the nurses will inform the time for fasting.
  • Remove body hair from the groins on the two sides and upper legs.
  • Change into surgical gown and wait for notification from the examination unit.
  • Avoid make up before the examination. Do not wear underwear or lingerie. Temporarily remove denture, contact lenses, Prosthesis, money, ornaments, if any.  Moreover, do not wear lipstick and nailbrush to evaluate the condition of blood circulation.
  • The patients cannot move the body during examination and hence is advised ton empty the bladder before conducting the examination at the Cardiac Catheterization Room.
  1. The nurses will prepare a pad for you and place under your hip, so that you can easily urinate in case you perceive urination during the examination.
  2. Under rare circumstances, you may perceive voiding difficulties while lying down during the surgery, the doctor may help you with urinary catheterization.

Examination Process

  • The doctor will check the catheter for examination and place it to the heart under X-ray inspection. The doctor will check the cardiac conductive performance and induced dysplasia to adopt the most appropriate treatment. In case further radiofrequency ablation is needed, the doctor will complete in one surgery through precision positioning.
  • The patient could experience palpitation during the examination process can inform the doctor immediately in case of any discomfort.
  • Do not tough any item and parts of the body during the examination process to avoid infection and interference with electric signals.

Post-Examination Instruction

  • Stretch the area inserted with catheter for examination. Do not bend. Use the sandbag to compress for 6 ~ 8 hours for bleeding prevention.
  • Lie on the bed and rest for 24 hours. The patient may turn around but may not get off the bed once the sandbag is removed.
  • The nurses will intensively monitor the vital signs, including blood pressure, pulse, and the skin temperature of examination areas, and blood circulation of arteries on the back of feet, which could disturb the patient during rest. The patient is requested to comprehend the situation.
  • Check if the wound of the examination area observed is bleeding. If you feel wet and warm on the groins, dizzy, night sweat, chest pain, or cold skin, inform the nurses immediately.
  • Try to drink small amount of water after examination and only eat if the patient does not experience nausea or vomiting.
  • Use the bed pen and the nurses will help if the patient could not urinate.

Precaution After Discharge From Hospital

  • Daily Care: Avoid excessive labor with the limbs undergone surgery in 3 days.
  • Wound Care: Return to hospital in case of inflammation, red, swelling, and fever.
  • Medication: Please follow nurses’ instruction in taking anti-arrhythmia medicine with pay attention to the name of medicine, correct dosage, administration schedule, and side effects. Do not add or decrease the dosage or it could lead to severe arrhythmia.
  • Abnormal Conditions: Seek for medical treatment at the hospital immediately in case of tachycardia or bradycardia, dizziness, palpitation, chest pain, and shortness of breath.  
  • Mayo Clinic. (2022). EP study.
製作單位:內科部心臟血管系 編碼:HE-10011-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12311