Offer sufficient nutrition for children to grow up and exercise.
Preschool children.
General principles
- Children have a hard time absorbing food and their stomach volume is too small; as a result, parents have to blend nature food like meat and vegetables to help them absorb and digest. When they reach 3 years old, it will be all right for them to proceed to the same diet as adults.
- Have your child drink at least 2 cups of milk of 240c.c. each cup to retrieve appropriate amount of vitamin B2, protein, and calcium.
- To prevent indigestion or gastric-related illness, try not to give your baby too much fried food or food taking long chewing time.
- After infants proceeding into 12 month old stage, their growing starts to slow down, their interest and demand in food reduce, and their appetite diminishes; there is no need to force your baby for food intake because their appetite increases naturally after they attend school and become active and be involved in the school activities.
- Make your cooking measure simple and mild for babies favor food with mild taste and despise food with strong taste. If you baby refuse to intake certain food, do not force feed; change the shape, kind, or cooking method for the food; and wait until the appropriate moment to bring it into their diet again.
- Children like food rich in color, and too much food could bring repulsive reaction of the children; try to provide colorful food with little amount. Do not give merely their favorite food because it could induce deficient nutrients.
- Children often eat up to 6 meals a day, so they have ordinary meals with snacks. Have them eat snacks with fixed schedules as not to affect their regular food intake. Bare this in mind: do not feed foods providing merely calorie because sweets not only lower their appetite but also affect their nutrition intake; besides, they could suffer from dental caries and puffiness.
- Adaptable pastry for preschool children:
- Fresh fruit.
- Fresh milk or extended shelf life milk, and soy-bean milk.
- Fresh vegetable juice (carrot juice).
- A whole wheat biscuit or sandwich.
- Children's diet is indefinite, parents should assist them to form a good eating habit:
- Have your child eat within fixed schedule and amount, do not give them junk food and have them be accustomed to a variety of foods.
- Wash their hands before eating and brush their teeth or rinse their mouth after each meal.
- Do not put all kinds of food in the mouth or eat food dropped on the floor.
- Eat by the dining table.
- Do not allow them to watch TV or do other choirs while they eat.
- Eat no more than 30 minutes.