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Dietary Principles of Obese Child and Adolescent 肥胖兒童及青少年飲食原則


Dietary Principles of Obese Child and Adolescent 肥胖兒童及青少年飲食原則



To mildly control obese children’s body weight in order to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases.


  1. Obese children
  2. Obese adolescent

Determine the indicators of childhood obesity

  1. How to determine whether the child is obese, use “weight-high-index”:

Weight- height index =

Weight (kg) ÷ height (cm) ÷ weight- height constant

  1. Weight-High index will not only determine whether the child is obese, it tells the degree of obesity as well.

The greater their weight-height index value, the more severe the obesity condition. (Please refer to Table 1, Table 2).

General principles

  1. Because children are at the state of growing, do not overly restrict their calorie intake, so their growing development is not impeded. Work with the dietitian to reach weight control.
  2. Avoid their intake of high sugar, high calorie, and high fat, have them eat balanced nutrition from the Six Categories of Food and add diversification in the diet.
  3. Provide your child with prosperous breakfast because good breakfast could stop hunger which help control their craving for food; provide light meals to prevent accumulation of fat and calorie.
  4. Make use of steaming, boiling, stewing, baking, and roasting methods; and make good use of low stimulating seasonings like pepper, ginger, onion, and garlic to increase taste and flavor.
  5. When eating stewed soup, put it in the fridge first and eliminate the top-layer fat before heat it again in order to reduce fat intake.
  6. Avoid buying food like cake, sugar and potato chips providing merely calorie; and have them take the western-styled pastry as snacks. When it is impossible to turn down your child, try not to buy cheese hamburger, sausage, or bacon. Give them small size drinks and do bear this in mind: apple pie and French fries contain higher calorie than hamburger; therefore, take all of the food off the list you provide to your child.
  7. Have them eat three meals a day with fixed amount and schedule. Do not give them and snacks or junk food like candy, chocolate, cookie, and cakes. Try not to give them food containing much fat like fat meat, butter, and fried foods,etc. Nuts and seeds are the fruits and seeds of plants with high fat content, such as peanuts, walnuts, and melonseeds, which should be consumed in moderation.
  8. Have them eat fiber rich food with big quantity and low calorie like soup or vegetables to increase their sense of fullness.
  9. Do not store too much junk food in the house or allow your children to eat and watch TV at the same time.
  10. When dining out, opt for light foods and avoid taking too much food at a time. When feeling thirsty, encourage your child to drink more tap-water, less coke and soft drinks.
  11. To eliminate extra calorie, have your children work-out regularly in order to meet the optimal weight loss effect. Have your children walk and climb stairs more often; go swimming and play balls in order to develop their regular exercise routine.
  12. Parents should work with teachers from school to encourage children and give confidence in weight loss control because exercise and curbed diet are hard to maintain.
  13. Do for intrinsic motivation like buying new books, new toys, or ball games; instead, have them consume less sugary products or change or stick to their eating habits.
  14. Proper weight control help prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, joint disease, and cancer.

Determine the indicators of childhood obesity

It is recommended to use the Body Mass Index [BMI] as the detection method for overweight and obesity in children and adolescents.

Body Mass Index =Weight (kg) ÷ height2(m2)

The greater their BMI value, the more severe the obesity condition. 

Child and Adolescent Growth Body Mass Index (BMI)


  1. This recommended value is based on the research results published by Dr. Chen Weide and Dr. Zhang Meihui in 2010.
  2. The body position of 0-5 years old adopts the "International Growth Standards for Infants and Young Children" published by the World Health Organization (WHO).
  3. The body position standard curve for 7-18 years old is based on the 1997 Taiwan-Fujian primary and secondary school students' physical fitness (800/1600 meters running and walking, knee-bent sit-ups, standing long jump, sitting forward bending four tests All cases are better than the 25th percentile value) test data.
  4. The connection point of 5-7 years old is based on the WHO BMI rebound trend, and the data of the two parts are disclosed before the connection.
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