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Dietary Guidelines 國民健康飲食指南


Dietary Guidelines 國民健康飲食指南

  1. Curb calorie intake and ensure healthy weight:

Excessive fat could accumulate once you consume more calories than calories burned; and it yields high chronic diseases risks. Be familiar with your own ideal healthy weight and needed calorie in order to maintain your weight within normal range:  (body mass index 18.5-23.9). Healthy weight target = [height (cm) / 100] × [height (cm) / 100] × 22.

  1. Balance the six categories of food base on the dietary guideline:

Such diet is classified according to dietary guidelines followed by recommended amount. Consume plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and dairy products.

  1. Have grains of rice as the staple food for meals to upgrade nutritional value:

Prepare three meals with cereal -based food, or at least 1/3 of whole grains: as in brown rice, whole wheat, whole buckwheat, or grains. Whole grains are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber; and it offers a wide range of phytochemicals ingredients which are protective for human health.

  1. Eat more high-fiber foods:

Foods rich in fiber can prevent and improve constipation, reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, lower blood cholesterol, and help prevent cardiovascular disease. Eating plant foods is the best way to obtain fiber. Foods rich in fiber include beans, vegetables, fruits, brown rice, whole-grain products, sweet potatoes and other whole grains.

  1. A diet with less oil, less salt and less sugar

High-fat diet is closely related to obesity, fatty liver, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. A diet high in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol is one of the main factors causing cardiovascular disease.

Consume less fatty pork, pork belly, minced pork, sausages, pastries, and some high-cholesterol foods. Steam, boil, fry, stir-fry, microwave, and cold salad should be used instead of frying to reduce calorie intake.

Cooking should use less salt and seasonings that contain high amounts of salt or sodium, such as monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, etc., and eat less pickles and snacks or processed foods with heavy seasonings. In addition to providing calories, sugar contains almost no nutrients. It is also easy to cause tooth decay and obesity. You should reduce your intake, especially Chinese and Western pastries, which are not only polysaccharides but also high in oil, and should be carefully selected.

  1. Eat more calcium-rich foods:

Calcium is the main component of bones and teeth. Adequate intake of calcium can promote normal growth and development and prevent osteoporosis. Milk is rich in calcium and is most easily absorbed by the body. Drink at least one to two cups a day. Other calcium-rich foods include dairy products, dried fish, soy products and dark green vegetables. 

  1. Avoid sugary drinks and more water drinking yields better health:

Water is the most economical and healthiest source of drink. It can adjust temperature, help digestion and absorption, transport nutrients, prevent and improve constipation, etc.We should drink 6 to 8 cups a day. Preserve good water drinking habit and avoid market beverage for it contains high sugar content which is not ideal for weight and blood fat control.

  1. Drink in moderation:

Females should not drink more than 1 cup of alcohol, equals to 10 grams of alcohol a day. Excessive drinking can affect the absorption and utilization of various nutrients, easily cause malnutrition and liver disease, and also affect thinking and judgment, and cause accidents. It is not advisable to drink alcohol during pregnancy, because it is prone to deformity and underweight babies. ​​​

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