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Adjustment Guidelines for Leucorrhea (Vaginal Discharge) in Chinese Medicine 帶下病(白帶)中醫調整注意事項


Adjustment Guidelines for Leucorrhea (Vaginal Discharge) in Chinese Medicine 帶下病(白帶)中醫調整注意事項


Pathological leucorrhea refers to the significant increase in the amount of leucorrhea while the color and texture become abnormal (such as yellow and sticky vaginal discharge) or comes with odor, or is companied by other symptoms (such as itchy vagina). This is  so-called Leucorrhea in Chinese medicine.

Vaginal discharge may seem like a small problem.  However, the patient must frequently use the pads for the increase of secretion, or be troubled by the itchy vulva, which could affect the patient’s daily life and emotion in work!

Vaginal discharge can be adjusted by the overall constitutional regulation in Chinese medicine to boost the body immunity and reduce recurrence.

Food Taboo

Based on TCM theory, the patients with leucorrhea should restrain on some food with special attention:

  • Cold food or drinks are prohibited.
  • Prohibited fruits : Cold fruit such as watermelon, melon, cantaloupe, pear, grapefruit, pomelo, coconut juice, tangerine, persimmon, mangosteen, and tomato. Hot fruit such as longan, lychee, mango, and durian.
  • Prohibited vegetables : Turnip, Chinese cabbage, mung bean, bitter gourd, cucumber, loofah, white gourd, asparagus, and bamboo shoot.
  • Prohibited spice food : Chili, pepper, Sichuan pepper, anise, garlic, coriander, green onion, Chinese barbeque source.
  • Hot and deep-fried food : Fennel, Chinese leek, cinnamon, lamb, stir-fried peanut, fried chicken.
  • Prohibited stimulating food : pickled food, coffee, curry.
  • Smoking, wine and food with alcohol content: ginseng wine, deer antler wine, which will aggravate congestion after intake.

Precautions in Life

  • Wear cotton, loose and comfortable underwear to keep the perineal area clean and dry.
  • Avoid wearing stockings and tight pants.
  • Change sanitary napkins frequently during menstruation.
  • After toileting, use the paper tissue to wipe from the genital part backward.
  • Drink adequate water before sex intercourse and urinate afterwards.
  • Do not take sauna or hot spring temporarily.
  • Do not clean the vagina with soap or disinfectant.
  • Do not clean inside the vagina excessively because it will destroy the pH value inside the vagina and leads to excessive proliferation of abnormal fungi which cause increased vaginal discharge.
  • Avoid using pads.
  • Receive treatment with sex partners concurrently to avoid cross-infection. 
  • 陳立德(2010).中醫婦科學(初版).弘祥。
  • 陳玫妃(2007).白帶.傳統醫學雜誌,18(2),109-117。
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