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The prevention and health care of hepatitis 黃疸(肝炎)的預防與保健


The prevention and health care of hepatitis 黃疸(肝炎)的預防與保健


The prevention and health care of hepatitis

1. Keep an easy spirit

Avoid being angry, anxious, or depressed because anger, anxiety, and depression often disturb your liver function; and this is a vicious cycle for the condition.

2. Have enough rest

Sleep early with plenty of rest helps to decrease liver loading and to deliver more nutrients to liver to promote liver cell regeneration and recovery of liver function.

3. Avoid excessive sexual activities

Excessive sexual activities may aggravate tiredness, poor appetite dizziness tinnitus, poor sleeping condition, and nausea.

4. Avoid alcoholic consumption

Alcohol over-dosing often interferes liver function and destructs liver cells.

5. Avoid drug abusing

Liver is the prime organ that metabolizes medicine and it is also susceptible to damages caused by medicine; therefore, taking unknown drugs or herb may injure your liver tissue. Don’t be influenced by advertisement that provides folk remedy which most of the time is intoxicating to your liver.

6. Visit doctor regularly.

Regular biochemistry data and ultrasound follow-up provide doctors with information for traditional Chinese medicine prescription and conditions of the patients. 

The recommendation diet for hepatitis patients

1. Balanced nutrition

The principles of common diet are to consume high-calorie, high-protein, and low-fat food. For overweight patients, control your diet intake of fat and sugar. 

2. Less greasy food

Because patients could suffer from abnormal bile secretion, avoid greasy food since it would incur malfunction of absorption.

3. Eat frequently with small amount of food at a time

Hepatitis patients’ digestive function is fragile, so eating frequently with less amount of food is highly recommended in order to relieve gastrointestinal symptoms like abdominal fullness and nausea to reduce liver burden in favor of liver cell recovery.

4. Appropriate food

We suggest patients to intake light, easy to absorb, and fresh vegetables. Fresh fish, meat, clams, tomatoes, lotus, carrot, green leaf vegetables, milk, eggs, papaya, and pear are highly recommended.

5. Taboo food

We don’t suggest fried food, decayed seafood, stimulating beverage, chemical compound, and greasy food.

6.  About cooking

Low-salt cooking is suggested for the patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites.

7.  Food usages

During acute stage of hepatitis, stewing tassels of corn with clam is a complimentary treatment.

8. Food chewing

When you eat, chew more than 60 times before swallowing it; chew rice and vegetable separately. 30 minutes for food intake is highly recommended and intake fiber-rich vegetables and less greasy food.

  • Lok, A. S. (2022, November). Patient Education: Hepatitis B (Beyond the Basics). UpToDate.
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