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The Care and Therapeutic Exercise for Frozen Shoulder 五十肩運動治療及注意事項


The Care and Therapeutic Exercise for Frozen Shoulder 五十肩運動治療及注意事項


Points for attention

  1. Rest: Stop hard working and avoid lifting heavy objects.
  2. Hot pack: Use heat lamps or hot towels frequently, 15 minutes per time.
  3. Stay warm: Avoid exposing your shoulder in the cool air; keep your shoulder warm in the air-conditioned room.
  4. Exercise: exercise at least 3 times every day, 10 minutes every time to avoid stiff shoulder. Work out gently; stop if it is painful.


  1. Pendular exercise:

Bend your body with a 90 degree flexion and allow arms to swing freely from the shoulders in a pendulum fashion. Forward -backward

Side to side

clockwise- counter clockwise

  1. Wall-climbing exercise:

Face a wall about three quarters of an arm length away. Use only your fingers not your shoulder muscles and raise your arm up as high up as you can, then last 30 seconds.

  1. Over-head stretch:

Lift the affected arm straight up and over your head to touch your ear.

  1. Towel stretch exercise:

Take a 3 foot long towel, grasp it with both hands, and hold it in the horizontal position. Use the upper good arm to pull the affected arm toward the lower back.

  1. If you have any problem of frozen shoulder, please visit our rehabilitation department for exact diagnosis and treatment.
  • S. Brent Brotzman, Kevin E. Wilk(2008).骨科復健手冊(袁立仁等譯;二版).台灣愛思唯爾。(原著出版於2007)
製作單位:復健部 編碼:HE-88002-E
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