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Preparatory Work of General Anesthesia for Children 兒童牙科全身麻醉注意事項


Preparatory Work of General Anesthesia for Children 兒童牙科全身麻醉注意事項


Before general anesthesia

For the sake of anesthetic safety, please follow the rules listed here. It not, the patient will be in danger and the scheduled operation/anesthesia will be postponed or cancelled.

  1. A basic medical checkup and a consultation with anesthesiologist are required before having general anesthesia. If the kid is taking any medications, or having medical conditions such as hemophilia, heart disease, epilepsy, or allergy, please inform the anesthesiologist.
  2. The kid’s stomach should be kept empty for 8 hours prior to having general anesthesia. Start from 00 : 00 at midnight if the operation is slated for morning, and from 6 : 00AM for afternoon.
  3. If the kid is having fever or coughing, please tell us. The operation/anesthesia will be postponed if the problem is severe.
  4. On the day of the operation/anesthesia, parents or adult relatives of the kid should accompany him or her to the hospital. Some instructions for post-operative care will be given by the doctors after the operation/anesthesia.

After general anesthesia

  1. The kid may feel tired, have muscle pain, or sore throat after having general anesthesia. The symptoms will relieve in 1 - 2 days. Pain medicines may help.
  2. Post-anesthetic fever happens from time to time. Don’t worry if the fever goes away quickly. If the symptom persists, please feel free to contact us. 
  3. If the kid gets difficulty breathing or nonstop vomiting, please contact us.
  4. Help the kid drink a little bit of water if he/she feels thirsty. Juice is also OK when the feelings of nausea fade away. Light diet is advised on the first two days, Afterward, a regular diet is fine.
  5. For the kids who get stainless steel crown restoration during the operation, post-operative pain may last for one to two days. Soft diet is advised.

Return to the hospital a week after the operation for a check-up. Afterwards, coming back for a regularly checkup every 3 months is needed. 

  • McDonald and Averys Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent 11e
  • Principles and Practice of Pedodontics 3e
製作單位:牙醫部 編碼:HE-86014-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 18590