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Preoperative Preparation Q&A 手術前準備解惑Q&A


Preoperative Preparation Q&A 手術前準備解惑Q&A


It is our responsibility to provide you a safe environment for the surgery. There are many things to be prepared before the operation and we will need your cooperation to facilitate the operation and assure your safety in operation.

  • Why do patients need to fill out the agreement of surgery and anesthesia?

Due to the need of illness condition, the physician will explain to you the purpose and method of operation and anesthesia, and possible complications and risk. After you have taken serious consideration, you will agree to accept the operation and anesthesia, and the completion of the agreement of operation and anesthesia is to protect your rights.  

  • Why do you need to clean your body on the day of operation?     

 You need to clean your body before the operations to reduce wound infection from the operation. Moreover, you could only wipe your body in few days after the operation due to the wound; hence you will need to clean your body in the morning of operation in order to feel more comfortable after the operation.

  • Why do operations requiring anesthesia need to fast for 8 hours before operation?

Without fasting, the food inside the stomach could easily induce vomiting due to the anesthesia during the operation, which could choke the respiratory tract and cause danger. Hence no food or water can be eaten or drunk in 8 hour before the operation. 

  • Why couldn’t patients put on makeup on the day of operation or wear nail polish?

You will be observed of your skin color and finger/toe nail from the operation in order to understand your blood circulation; hence you may not put on any makeup or apply any nail polish on the day of operation. 


  • Why must patients wear inpatient surgical gown and take off the underwear before the operation?

Electrosurgical unit will be used to staunch during the operation and hence the material of underwear could easily produce static and results in skin burn. Please remove the cloth (including underwear) before the operation. If you have menstruation or feel uncomfortable from not wearing the underwear, you may wear paper-material disposable underwear.

  • Why do patients need to remove removable denture before operations?

The anesthesia in operation could easily make removable denture to break off and fall into the trachea or esophagus, resulting in danger. Meanwhile to avoid losing your removable denture, please remove your removable denture before the operation and hand it over to your family. If your family is not around, please ask the nurse station to keep custody.

  • Why do patients need to remove ornaments before operations?

The operation adopts electrosurgical unit to staunch and any metal ornament on the body could induce electricity and result in skin burn. Meanwhile to avoid losing your ornament, please remove the metal ornament from your body and hand it over to your family. If your family is not around, please ask the nurse station to keep custody. Metal ornaments refer to hairpin, earring, necklace, watch, bracelet, ring, and anklet.

  • Why do patients need to remove eyeglasses and contact lenses before operations?

Eyeglasses and contact lenses could be electricity inductive due to the materials, which could burn the skin or even injure the eyes due to fracture. At the same time to avoid losing your eyeglasses and contact lenses, please remove your eyeglasses and contact lenses before the operations and hand them over to your family. If your family is not around, please ask the nurse station for custody. 

  • Why do nurses request you to go to the bathroom first when taking you to the operation room?

To avoid over-expanding bladder that overspill the urine during operation and leads to risk of infection, we will request you to go to the bathroom first and follow the staff to report to the operation room.

  • The hospital offers “Pre-anesthesia Outpatient” and we will have specialist to answer your questions. Please use this service:
  • Critical Care Medicine Building, 1st Floor:  Morning and afternoon, Office H11
  • Li-Fu Medical Building: Morning, 1st floor, Office C56, Afternoon, 3rd floor, Office C56.
  • 洪郁惠、陳慧、鄭順意(2015).提升外科病房手術前準備完整性之改善專案.亞東學報,(35),31-41。
製作單位:護理部11C病房護理站 編碼:HE-20046-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 13207