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Hyaluronate Injections 玻尿酸注射/洢蓮絲植入劑注射


Hyaluronate Injections 玻尿酸注射/洢蓮絲植入劑注射


Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide, mostly injected in the dermis wrinkles or in areas that should be raised, such as : the lips, cheeks, nose, scars; it can now reduce wrinkles and has the effect of improving facial complexion. Through the usage of biotechnology extraction, the body can absorb its own hyaluronic acid, and it will degrade over time without any scars.

Areas of Injection

Hyaluronic acid can improve the static main lines, such as the tears trough,,nasolabial folds, sunken temples, sunken cheeks,depressed scars, deep forehead wrinkles,  deep frown lines, nose, chin modification, fine lines around the eyes, lip reconstruction, and face sculpture.


Apart from the skin rush, allergy, and itchiness from the application of analgesia medicine, common contact dermatitis includes the following:

  1. Temporary red and swollen skin after therapy, or the skin bruise caused by injection
  2. Hyaluronate could result in partial lumps, minor pain, swelling, allergy, and granulation.
  3. Patients using aspirin or anticoagulants are suggested to suspend medication for 3 days before injection to avoid apparent bruise.

(Note: Different body or condition bears different risk and patients are obliged to inform the physician of your complete medical condition)

Daily care after treatment

  1. Patients may experience symptoms such as swelling, red, pain, and ecchymoma after treatment injection. These symptoms usually will automatically be reduced in 1~2 weeks after the injection.
  2. Do not wear makeup and drink on the day of injection and do not use sauna and infrared sauna in 1 week before injection.
  3. It is normal for one side to be slightly fuller than the other-we will see you in 2-4 weeks for a touch up.
  4. Patients may feel lumps on the area receiving injection treatment and is considered normal. Please do not massage the injection area after treatment. 

If you require additional filler there will be an additional charge for product.

Please contact us immediately

  • Have fever and/or chills
  • Have discolored blotches in areas not injected
  • Have blanching of injected areas
  • Notice the area appears red and/or hot to the touch
  • Have severe or increasing pain
  • American society of plastic surgeons. What are dermal fillers?
製作單位:美容中心 編碼:HE-25009-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12020