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Colon Cancer 大腸直腸癌


Colon Cancer 大腸直腸癌



  1. Anemia, weakness and fatigue
  2. Abdominal distention and pain (related to colon obstruction)
  3. Abdominal lump and lymph node adenopathy
  4. Change bowel habits (diarrhea, constipation, irregular defecation)
  5. Small caliber stool (change of stool shape)
  6. Anal bleeding
  7. Bloody-tinged stool
  8. Body weight loss
  9. Poor appetite

High risk group

“High risk” means the patient with below factors would have colorectal cancer easier than populations.

  1. Colorectal cancer history and status post operation
  2. Family history of colorectal cancer
  3. History of ulcerative colitis
  4. Personal or familial History of familial adenomatous polyposis (Colic polyps more than 100)
  5. Family history of adenomatous carcinoma(ex. Lung, gastric, intestinal, ovary, thyroid or breast cancer)
  6. High protein, high lipid diet

Early diagnosis

  1. General population:
  • Check the stool occult blood annually
  • If you have bloody stool, bowel habit change, undetermined abdominal distention or anemia, please consult colorectal doctor for further examination.
  1. High risk population:
  • Stool occult bloody test should be done annually
  • Colonfibroscope should be performed to evaluate whole colon condition
  • If pre-malignant lesion was noted, therapy should be done by colorectal doctor


Surgical resection is the first choice of therapy

  1. coloscopic polypectomy is suitable for colonic polyp or tumor with carcinoma in situ
  2. Colectomy is needed for the colorectal cancer

Assisted therapy

  1. Radiotherapy
  2. Chemotherapy
  3. Immunotherapy


  1. Low fat diet
  • Meat-more chicken and fist, less pork, beef and mutton
  • Oil-vegetable oil is better
  1. High fiber diet:
  • Fresh grain-unpolished rice and wheat
  • Fresh fruit (no extra work)
  1. Normal defecated habit
  • The ASCRS Manual of Colon and Rectal Surgery, second edition, chaptor 38, colorectal cancer: Epidemiology, Etiology and Moecular basis
製作單位:外科部大腸直腸外科 編碼:HE-20026-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 17272