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Instruction for Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) and Electromyography 神經傳導及肌電圖檢查須知


Instruction for Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) and Electromyography 神經傳導及肌電圖檢查須知



Evaluate your peripheral nerves ( including motor nerves, sensory nerves and neuromuscular potential ) functions and diagnose for the position and severity of possible lesion.

The test for neurotransmission applies proper amount of current to stimulate the peripheral nerves in addition to observe and record the reactions of nerves. Due to the electric stimulation in the test process, patients may experience slight numbness and pricking however the current is not harmful for the body.

Electromyography test inserts electrode needle into the muscle to record the potential changes of muscles during rest and motion stage. The test is similar to acupuncture with minor pain but is acceptable to most patients as long as they try to relax and cooperate with physician instructions.


  • Normal diet before the tests and fasting is not required.
  • Please wear loose cloth and do not wear tight clothes.
  • The hospital uses disposable electrode needle and is disposed after use by each patient for purpose of safe test.
  • Please clean your body well the day before the test. Do not wear makeup or apply lotion.
  • Please inform the physician in advance if you have the following conditions: installation of cardiac pacemaker, inclination of bleeding (hemophilia and platelet), and HIV carriers.
  • For any questions, please consult with the technicians and we will be pleased to assist you. 
  • 蔡秀鸞(2017).最新實用內外科護理學(下冊)( 17-46頁).永大。
製作單位:神經部 編碼:HE-T2028-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12218、15079