Diabetes is a chronic disease which requires early diagnosis and regular and prolonged treatment, or complications are likely to occur and to threaten health and life. There are three main acute complications: hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis, and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome.
- Definition : lower than normal blood glucose level (70 mg/100 mL).
- Symptoms : There are sympathetic symptoms for the early stage when patients feel hunger, accelerated heartbeat, shivering, and sweating; and there are central nerve symptoms for the later stage when patients are troubled by dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, babbling, irritating disturbance, and even coma.
- Causes: Insulin or oral hypoglycemic agent overdose, inadequate food intake or delayed meals, excessive exercise without food intake, and too much alcohol drinking.
- Treatment:
( 1 ) If the patient is conscious, put 4-6 sugar cubes in his/her mouth or make him/her drink 120-150 c.c. of juice, coke or soft beverages. Have him/her take another round of sugar and drinks 10 minutes later until the symptoms are eased. If not, go to a hospital immediately.
( 2 ) If the patient is unconscious, drop one teaspoon of syrup in between his/her cheek and gum every 10 minutes and take him/her to a nearby hospital immediately.
( 3 ) Provide subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous glucagon injection.
( 2 ) Take extra snacks after vigorous exercises.
( 3 ) Maintain the amount of insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents you take.
( 4 ) Frequently monitor your blood glucose level.
Ketoacidosis & hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome
- Definition:
- Ketoacidosis:
with blood glucose level significantly exceeding 250 mg/dL, and the combination of ketone bodies and metabolic acidosis;
- Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome :
When blood glucose level dramatically exceeds 600mg/dL with the combination of increased blood osmotic level, there is no significant ketone body and metabolic acidosis.
- Symptoms : Thirst, polyuria, fatigue, skin dehydration, sunken eye sockets, accelerated heartbeat, lower blood pressure, conscious disturbance and coma. People with ketoacidosis also have the following conditions: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and shortness of breath with fruit scents.
- Causes :
( 1 ) Ignorance of undiagnosed diabetes.
( 2 ) Irregular treatment and inadequate control of blood glucose level.
( 3 ) Stressful situations: infection, injury, surgery, stroke, myocardial infraction.
- Treatmen t : Go to a hospital immediately.
- Prevention :
( 1 ) Regular treatment of diabetes.
( 2 ) Regular clinic follow-up.
( 3 ) Frequently monitor your blood glucose level.
( 4 ) Increase self awareness and go to a hospital timely.