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Common inquiries regarding patients’ diabetes mellitus 糖尿病人常見的問題Q&A


Common inquiries regarding patients’ diabetes mellitus 糖尿病人常見的問題Q&A


Is diabetes mellitus genetically inheritably?

Diabetes mellitus is not infectious but it is inheritable especially the type 2 diabetes mellitus. Generally speaking, when either one of the parent is diabetic, there is one-fourth the chance their children inheriting the disorder; while both parents are diabetic, the chances for their children to inherit diabetes mellitus are one-half to two-third; yet for type 1 diabetes mellitus patients’ children, the chances of getting the disorder are similar to average men.

Is diabetes mellitus curable?

Diabetes mellitus is presently incurable but it can be controlled via diet restriction and exercise. Some patients do not even need medication to control their blood glucose level, when they regulate their diet, exercise, and medication; their blood glucose level often maintains.

Is there any folk remedy for diabetes mellitus?

No proven evidence indicates that folk remedy is curable; there may be some helpful remedy for mild hyperglycemic patients but such mild symptoms can be easily treated via regulated diet and exercise. For most people, these folk remedies not only provide no positive treatment but might just incur severe and fatal problems.

Are Chinese herbs curable?

Chinese herbs have some effect on mild hyperglycemia and can relieve partial symptoms; however, when it’s hyperglycemia, Chinese herbs are definitively inefficient and hazardous.

Some people think that fruit sugar does not affect blood sugar, does it?

Actually it does because fruit contains either sucrose or fructose, and they are just as sweet as the rest of sugary foods which often affects blood sugar level; therefore, fruit intake must be restricted.

Once a diabetic patient proceeds to insulin injection, is he or she obligated to such treatment?

Not necessarily.

Only type 1 diabetes mellitus patients are obligated to insulin injection. For type 2 diabetes mellitus, if patients’ conditions have long been well controlled under oral hypoglycemic drugs; though the patients have to undergo insulin injection during necessary operation or disease infection, most of them are still able to switch back to oral hypoglycemic drug once their conditions are stabilized.

Does insulin injection deteriorate patients’ eye sight or harm their kidney?

No. The deterioration of visual acuity is from poor blood glucose control; though some tend to have deteriorated eye sight after insulin injection, this kind of condition is merely temporary and can be improved over a period of time. Some research even revealed that patients under good blood sugar control tend to have better visual acuity than those who do not curb their blood sugar level. As to renal function degeneration, poor glycemic control is the main attribution; when the patient’s blood glucose level is abnormal after insulin injection treatment, renal function would for sure be deteriorated. Therefore, the better control of the blood glucose is; the better function of the kidney is.

Does insulin injection during pregnancy affect fetus?

Instead of insulin injection, it is hyperglycemia that often triggers fetus deformation, overweight, and premature, miscarriage, or stillbirth; so it is necessary to keep blood glucose level within normal range during pregnancy. Since the patient is not allowed to take oral hypoglycemic drug during pregnancy, insulin injection is required. 

Can diabetes patients tie the knot?

Diabetes patients are just as capable as an average person living a happy life: going to school, having a career, making friends, getting married, having babies, and enjoying normal family life.Diabetes patients’ spouse should take it rationally and be supportive and confront the disease with the patient.

Are diabetes patients in need of high protein foods? Can they take any vitamins?

High protein foods often add burden to kidney, so avoid taking those foods when kidneys function funny; as to vitamins, always maintain doctor recommended proper dosage.

  • American Diabetes Association.
  • The Diabetes Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (2022). DAROC Clinical Practice Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes Care- 2022. The Diabetes Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
  • The Diabetes Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (2022). DAROC Clinical Practice Guidelines for Type 1 Diabetes Care- 2022. The Diabetes Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
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