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Life Style and Dietary Habits to Keep the Liver Healthy 肝臟的保健及飲食之道


Life Style and Dietary Habits to Keep the Liver Healthy 肝臟的保健及飲食之道

Physiological Function of the Liver
  1. Metabolism and storage of nutrients, including protein, carbohydrate, and lipid.
  2. Biosynthesis and secretion of bile to emulsify lipid for further digestion and absorption.
  3. Detoxification.
  4. Regulation of circulation and electrolyte balance.

Health care and Life style to Keep the Liver Healthy

  1. Healthy diet habit:
    • Balanced, light and fresh diet
    • No moldy food
    • Frequent hand-washing and no raw water or uncooked food
  2. Avoid sharing toothbrushes and razors
  3. Avoid tattooing  or ear-piercing by using unsterilized equipments
  4. Avoid unnecessary venipuncture, blood transfusion, and high risk sexual behavior
  5. Regular life style, do not overwork
  6. Avoid unnecessary medications and overt alcohol consumption
  7. Receive hepatitis B vaccination if you have no protective antibody
  8. Regular physical checkup

Dietary Habits to Keep the Liver Healthy

  1. Adequate nutrition for patients with hepatitis
    • Mild food
    • Frequent, small meals
    • High-caloric, high-protein, and low-fat diet
    • Vitamin supplements
    • Salt restriction if there is leg edema
  2. Nutritional adjustment for patients with liver cirrhosis
    • High-protein, high-carbohydrate and low-fat diet for early cirrhotic patients to promote liver regeneration
    • Low-protein diet to decrease ammonia production in the presence of hepatic encephalopathy
  3. Salt restriction to minimize ascites and leg edema if present
  • Yasutake, K., Kohjima, M., Nakashima, M., Kotoh, K., Nakamuta, M., & Enjoji, M. (2012). Nutrition therapy for liver diseases based on the status of nutritional intake. Gastroenterology research and practice2012, 859697.
製作單位:內科部消化系 編碼:HE-10008-E
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