
Doctor Introduction



Chin-Chung Yeh
Chin-Chung Yeh


葉進仲 Chin-Chung Yeh



期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 潘思穎(Szu-Ying Pan)、賴建志(LAI CHIEN-ZHI)、陳汶吉(Wen-Chi Chen)、陳永祥(Chen, Yung-Hsiang)、林哲弘(Che-Hung Lin)*、張菡(Han Chang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)*,Chondrosarcoma of Ureter in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report,Medicina-Lithuania,2023 Feb,59():454 2023 . 02
2 謝博帆(Hsieh, Po-Fan)、李宗叡(LI TZUNG-RUEI)、林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、張菡(Han Chang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)*,Combining prostate health index and multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging in estimating the histological diameter of prostate cancer,BMC Urology,2021 Nov,21():161 2021 . 11
3 謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、陳汶吉(Wen-Chi Chen)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)、陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)、連啟舜(Chi-Shun Lien)、陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、蕭博任(Po-Jen Hsiao)、張議徽(Yi-Huei Chang)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)*,Prostate Health Index (PHI) improves prostate cancer detection at initial biopsy in Taiwanese men with PSA 4e10 ng/mL,KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES,2018 Aug,34():461-466 2018 . 08
4 陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、王曦賢(Hsi-Hsien Wang)、蕭博任(Po-Jen Hsiao)、張議徽(Yi-Huei Chang)、李聖偉(Sheng-Wei Li)、黃志平(Huang, Chi-Ping)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、張兆祥(Chang, Chao-Hsiang)*,Evaluation of the relationship and postoperative glomerular filtration rate between the living donor and the recipients in kidney transplantation,Urological Science,2017 Dec,28(4):227-231 2017 . 12
5 張議徽(Yi-Huei Chang)、蕭博任(Po-Jen Hsiao)、陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)*、鍾季容(Chi-Jung Chung)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)、陳國樑(Chen, Kuo-Liang),Economic fluctuation affects vasectomy utilization: A single-institution study,Urological Science,2015 Sep,26(3):214-217 2015 . 09
6 謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、陳至正(Chi-Cheng Chen)、陳國樑(Chen, Kuo-Liang)、張士三(Chang, Shi-San)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)*,C index is associated with both short-term and long-term renal functional outcome after partial nephrectomy,Urological Science,2013 May,24(2):46-50 2013 . 05
7 謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、陳至正(Chen, Chi-Cheng)、陳國樑(Chen, Kuo-Liang)、張士三(Chang, Shi-San)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)*,The impact of gender and size on the pathology of small renal mass,KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES,2012 Jul,28(7):369-372 2012 . 07
8 楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)、(Chia-Chun Wu)、郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)、藍于琁(Lan Yu Hsuan)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、余建志(Chien-Chih Yu)、連金城(Lien Jin Cherng)、徐媛曼(Yuan-Man Hsu)、郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)、(W. Gibson Wood)、(Minoru Tsuzuki)、鍾景光(Jing-Gung Chung)*,Solanum lyratum Extracts Induce Extrinsic and Intrinsic Pathways of Apoptosis in WEHI-3 Murine Leukemia Cells and Inhibit Allograft Tumor,Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2012 Jun,2012(0):0-0 2012 . 06
9 黃雯雯(Wenwen Huang)、楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)、(Shu-Jen Pai)、吳玢玢(Wu Ping-Ping)、張淑貞(Shu-Jen Chang)、闕甫伈、范宗宸、邱尚明(Shang-Ming CHIOU)、郭秀滿、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、陳柏源(Po-Yuan Chen)、(Minoru Tsuzukij)、鍾景光(Jing-Gung Chung)*,Bufalin induces G0/G1 phase arrest through inhibiting the levels of cyclin D, cyclin E, CDK2 and CDK4, and triggers apoptosis via mitochondrial signaling pathway in T24 human bladder cancer cells,MUTATION RESEARCH-FUNDAMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF MUTAGENESIS,2012 Apr,732(1-2):26-33 2012 . 04
10 楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、王黃舟(Huang-Joe Wang)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Early initiation of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in patients undergoing surgical implantation of Tenckhoff catheters,PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL,2011 Sep,31(5):551-557 2011 . 09
11 楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)、(Chia-Chun Wu)、郭昭麟(Kuo Chao-Lin)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、闕甫伈(Fu-Shin Chueh)、鍾雄光(Hsiung-Kwang Chung)、(Chien-Kuo Wang)、(Ching-Yao Chang)、葉兆雲(Ip Siu-Wan)、徐媛曼(Yuan-Man Hsu)、郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)、鍾景光(Jing-Gung Chung)*,Solanum lyratum extract affected immune response in normal and leukemia murine animal in vivo,HUMAN & EXPERIMENTAL TOXICOLOGY,2010 May,29(5):359-367 2010 . 05
12 邱燦宏(Tsan-Hung Chiu)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、(JAI-SING YANG)、賴東淵(Tung-Yuan Lai)、吳玢玢(Wu Ping-Ping)、(CHIA-YU MA)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、(CHIN-CHIN HO)、(HSU-FENG LU)、(W. GIBSON WOOD)、鍾景光(Jing-Gung Chung)*,Aloe-emodin Induces Cell Death through S-Phase Arrest and Caspase-dependent Pathways in Human Tongue Squamous Cancer SCC-4 Cells,ANTICANCER RESEARCH,2009 Sep,29(11):4503-4512 2009 . 09
13 陳至正(Chen, Chi-Cheng)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)*、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)、謝登富(Deng-Fu Hsieh)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)*,Detecting Upper Urinary Tract Malignancy in Patients with Staghorn stone: Results of a Routine Biopsy,Current urology reports,2009 Aug,3(2):61-67 2009 . 08
14 譚思濰(Tan Tzu-Wei)、(Yuh-Tzy Lin)、楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)、(Chi-Cheng Lu)、(Jo-Hua Chiang)、(Chang-Lin Wu)、林景彬(Jing-Pin Lin)、唐娜櫻(Nou-Ying Tang)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、(Ming-Jen Fan)、鍾景光(Jing-Gung Chung)*,A. cantoniensis Inhibits the Proliferation of Murine Leukemia WEHI-3 Cells In Vivo and Promotes Immunnoresponeses In Vivo,IN VIVO,2009 Jul,23(4):561-566 2009 . 07
15 呂旭峰(Hsu-Feng Lu)、陳怡璇(Yi-Shan Chen)、楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)、陳榮洲(Jung-Chou Chen)、呂孔文(KUNG-WEN LU)、邱燦宏(Tsan-Hung Chiu)、劉國慶(KUO-CHING LIU)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、陳光偉、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、鍾景光(Jing-Gung Chung)*,Gypenosides Induced G0/G1 Arrest via Inhibition of Cyclin E and Induction of Apoptosis via Activation of Caspases-3 and -9 in Human Lung Cancer A-549 Cells,IN VIVO,2008 Apr,00(22):215-222 2008 . 04
16 葉進仲(Jin-Jung Ye)、郭秀滿、李德茂(Te-Mao Li)、林景彬(Jing-Pin Lin)、游富順、(Hsu-Feng Lu)、鍾景光*、楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)*,Shikonin-induced Apoptosis Involves Caspase-3 Activity in a Human Bladder Cancer Cell Line (T24),IN VIVO,2007 Dec,(21):1011-1020 2007 . 12
17 林景彬(Jing-Pin Lin)、楊家欣、張乃文(Chang,Nai-Wen)、邱燦宏(Tsan-Hung Chiu)、蘇進誠(Chin-Cheng Su)、呂孔文(KUNG-WEN LU)、何永贊(Yung-Tsuan Ho)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、鍾景光*,GADD153 Mediates Berberine-induced Apoptosis in Human Cervical Cancer Ca Ski Cells,ANTICANCER RESEARCH,2007 Oct,(27):3379-3386 2007 . 10
18 劉緯陽(Wayne Young Liu)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou)、陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)、陳汶吉(Chen Wen-Chi)*,The Role of Retrograde Pyelography for Evaluation of Hematuria in Patients with Normal and Impaired Renal Function,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2007 Mar,12(1):14-19 2007 . 03
19 林慶鐘(Lin, Chin-Chung)、高尚德(Kao,Shung-Te)、(Ho, Chin-Chin)、何恒堅、夏德椿(Hsia,Te-Chun)、楊美都、葉進仲、(Liu, Po-Erh)、鍾景光*,Effects of oral administration of berberine on distribution and metabolism of 2-aminofluorene in Sprague-Dawley rats.,IN VIVO,2007 Mar,21(2):321-328 2007 . 03
20 葉進仲(Jin-Jung Ye)、林殿璜(Tien Huang Lin)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、陳家臻(Chia-Chen Chen)、陳汶吉(Chen Wen-Chi),A High Association of Upper Urinary Tract Transitional Cell Carcinoma with Non-Functioning Kidney Caused by Stone Disease in Taiwan.,UROLOGIA INTERNATIONALIS,2007 ,(79):19-23 2007 .
21 林殿璜、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、陳武男、張士三(Shi-San Chang)、呂學甫(Hsuen-Fu Lu)、陳昶仲(Chang-Chung Chen)、楊慶鏘(Ching-Chiang Yang)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、陳汶吉(Wen-Chi Chen)*,Efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy on the treatment of upper urinary tract stones,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2005 Jun,10(1):38-42 2005 . 06
22 陳階曉(CHIEH-HSIAO CHEN)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、陳汶吉(Chen Wen-Chi)、葉進仲(Jin-Jung Ye)、陳昶仲(chang-chung Chen)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)*,Outcomes of hand-assisted laparoscopic nephroureterectomy for managing upper urinary tract transitional cell carcinoma- China Medical Universi ty Hospital experience.,UROLOGY,2005 Apr,65(18):687-691 2005 . 04
23 葉進仲、陳階曉(CHIEH-HSIAO CHEN)、(林嘉禾)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsian)、吳錫金(Wu,His-Chin),A new technique for treating forgotten indwelling ureteral stents: silk loop assisted ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy,JOURNAL OF UROLOGY,2004 ,171():719-721 2004 .
24 陳昶仲(Chang-Chung Chen)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、陳汶吉(Wen-Chi Chen)、葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、鄒頡龍(Eric Chieh-Lung Chou)、陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)、楊慶鏘(Ching-Chiang Yang)、張士三(CHANG S.S.)*,Comparison of ten TRUS-guided and six sextant prostate biopsy in the prostate cancer detection,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2003 Dec,8(Suppl 2):S102-S107 2003 . 12
25 (陳昶仲)、吳錫金(Wu,His-Chin)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsian)、葉進仲、鄒頡龍、(陳國梁)、楊慶鏘、張士三,十或十二針經直腸超音波攝護腺切片與傳統六針切片對攝護腺癌偵測的比較,中台灣醫學科學雜誌,2003 Nov,8(8):164-167 2003 . 11
26 葉進仲(Chin-Chung Yeh)、洪啟賦(Chi-Fu Hung)、王文玲(Wen-Ling Wang)、鍾景光(Jing-Gung Chung)*,Kinetics of acetyl coenzyme A: arylamine N-acetyltransferase from rapid and slow acetylator human benign prostatic hyperplasia tissues,NEUROLOGICAL RESEARCH,2001 ,29(1):311-316 2001 .
27 張穎宜、林武周、葉進仲、江宜平,Ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis caused by endometriosis,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology,2001 ,3(40):103-108 2001 .
28 吳瑞芳(Wu RF)、陳汶吉(Chen Wen-Chi)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、葉進仲(Jin-Jung Ye)、呂學甫(Lu HF)、張士三(CHANG S.S.)、楊慶鏘、鄒頡龍(Chieh-Lung Chou),Subcapsular hematoma of the kidney after extracorporeal shock-wave lithotrripsy,台灣泌尿科醫學會雜誌,1999 ,(10):164-167 1999 .
29 葉進仲、楊慶鏘*、(陳建州)、高銘聰(Min-Tsung Kao)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、周昌德、(張萬森)、陳汶吉(Chen,Wen-Chi)、張士三、(呂學甫 吳錫金),Renal transplantation at a Medical center in Taiwan.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,1999 ,(4):121-128 1999 .


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 運用CD4/CD8比值作為抗胸腺細胞球蛋白劑量指標在腎臟移植中的臨床應用研究,2024移植年會,台北喜來登大飯店B1,2024.11.09~2024.11.10, 2024 . 11
2 Hem-o-Lok Clip Migration Presenting as a Bladder Stone 12 years After Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy,2024 台灣泌尿科醫學會半年會,中山醫學大學,2024.01.27~2024.01.27, 2024 . 01
3 Hematuria Beyond Malignancy in Hemodialysis Patient. A case report of emphysematous cystitis,2024台灣泌尿科醫學會半年會,中山醫學大學,2024.01.27~2024.01.27, 2024 . 01
4 腎移植誘發非典型性溶血性尿毒症候群的挑戰與對策:一個成功短期使用Ravulizumab治療的案例報告,2023台灣內科醫學會會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2023.12.02~2023.12.03, 2023 . 12
5 Radium-223 after docetaxel has similar efficacy and safety profile compared to docetaxel naive in mCRPC patient​,2023日本泌尿科醫學會年會,Kobe Conventional Center,2023.04.20~2023.04.23, 2023 . 04
6 HCV陰性的腎臟受贈者於接受HCV陽性的大愛腎臟移植術後三小時HCV病毒呈陽性-口服直接抗病毒藥應考慮即早使用,2022台灣移植醫學會年會,南港展覽館,2022.12.10~2022.12.11, 2022 . 12
7 未打COVID19疫苗的腎移植病人確診後抗體反應仍不佳,2022台灣內科醫學會會員大會暨學術演講,台大醫院國際會議中心,2022.12.03~2022.12.04, 2022 . 12
8 台灣的腎臟移植患者注射新冠肺炎疫苗的效度分析,2022台灣移植醫學會年會,南港展覽館,2022.12.10~2022.12.11, 2022 . 12
9 Improvement on semen parameter in infertile varicocele patients receiving microscopic varicocelectomy compared with conventional varicocelectomy,2022 台灣泌尿科醫學會年會-國際會議ISTUA,高雄萬豪酒店,2022.08.20~2022.08.21, 2022 . 08
10 包囊性腹膜硬化症發生於一位腹膜透析僅兩年的患者:案例報告,台灣內科醫學會 110 年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2021.12.4 ~2021.12.5 , 2021 . 12
11 Radium-223 for mCRPC: Real-world experience of a single-center,2021 台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台中榮總,2021.12.25~2021.12.26, 2021 . 12
12 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced upper tract urothelial carcinoma,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台大,2020.08.21~2020.08.23, 2020 . 08
13 Dual Kidney Transplantation: the Renal Graft Function Will Improve, Just Like a Sleeping Beauty Worth Waiting for,第三屆全球華人腎臟病學術大會,南京國際青年文化中心,2019.12.05~2019.12.08, 2019 . 12
14 Peripheral CD4 and CD8 Counts as guidance for Anti-ThymoGlobulin Dosage in Kidney Transplantation—A proposed new approach,Asia Pacific AKI to/on CKD Summit in conjunction with 台灣腎臟醫學會108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2019.11.22~2019.11.24, 2019 . 11
15 包囊性腹膜硬化症以細菌培養陰性腹膜炎為表現在一位腹膜透析五年的患者:案例報告,台灣內科醫學會108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2019.11.30~2019.12.01, 2019 . 11
16 Outcome of lymph node dissection in renal pelvis urothelial carcinoma,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,中國附醫,2019.08.16~2019.08.18, 2019 . 08
17 ABO血型不相容活體腎臟移植-中國醫藥大學附設醫院經驗,109年台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,中國醫藥大學,2019.08.16~2019.08.18, 2019 . 08
18 Adjuvant chemotherapy in T3/T4 upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma—CMUH experience,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會國際場 ISTUA,中國附醫,2019.08.16~2019.08.18, 2019 . 08
19 Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging increases predictive accuracy of oncological outcomes after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台北榮總,2018.08.18~2018.08.19, 2018 . 08
20 predictive markers for the prognosis of muscle invasive bladder cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy,泌尿科醫學會年會,高雄長庚,2017.08.19~2017.08.20, 2017 . 08
21 CT histogram analysis in predicting size reduction of renal angiomyolipoma after transarterial embolization,The 105th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association,Hotel Shiroyama, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Houzan Hall,2017.04.21~2017.04.24, 2017 . 04
22 Comparison of Treatment of Large Proximal Ureteral Stones Laparoscopic Ureterolithotomy Versus Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Versus Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy,WCE 2016,The Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa,2016.11.08~2016.11.12,URS outcomes 2016 . 11
23 Epidemiology of testicular tumors in Taiwan and subtype review – data from a medical center and Taiwan health insurance database,16th annual congress of Asia Pacific Association of Pediatric Urologists (APAPU 2014) 亞太小兒泌尿醫學會議,Nikko Japan , 日本日光,2014.11.20~2014.11.22, 2014 . 11
24 ,101年度台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2012.08.18~2012.08.19, 2012 . 08
25 ,亞洲暨台灣泌尿科年會,台北國際會議中心,2010.08.27~2010.08.31, 2010 . 08
26 Comparison the difference about the clinical presentations between one stage and two stage percutaneous nephrostomy lithotripsy.,98年度台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,高榮,2009.08.29~2009.08.30, 2009 . 08
29 THE ROLE OF HISTOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF CIRCUMCISION SPECIMENS,97年台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,輔仁大學醫學院,2008.08.30~2008.08.31, 2008 . 08
30 COMPARISON OF RRP AND LRRP: A FOLLOW-UP OF 86 PATIENTS-CMUH EXPERIMENTS,97年度台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,輔仁大學醫學院,2008.08.30~2008.08.31, 2008 . 08
32 Comparison of RRP and LRRP: a follow-up of 66 patients- CMCH Experiments,台灣泌尿科年會 ( 97年),台北輔仁大學醫學院,2008.08.30~2008.08.31, 2008 . 08
33 Routine Biopsy for the Upper Urinary Tract Malignancy in Patients with Staghorn Stone,23th Annual EAU Congress,Milan, Italy,2008.03.26~2008.03.29, 2008 . 03
34 Superfical Urinary Bladder Urolthelial Carcinoma in Uremic Patients,台灣泌尿科醫學會96年度第29次學術演講會,台中榮總,2007.08.25~2007.08.26, 2007 . 08
35 腎臟血管平滑肌脂肪瘤的預後評估-中國醫藥大學的經驗,2007臺灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台中榮總,2007.08.25~2007.08.26, 2007 . 08
36 Initial 40 experiences of The Potassium-Titanyl-Phosphate Laser Vaporization Prostatectomy,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,中榮,2007.08.25~2007.08.26, 2007 . 08
37 Radical Cystectomy in Elderly: Clinical Result and Long-term Follow-up,台灣泌尿科醫學會96年度第29次學術演講會,台中榮總,2007.08.25~2007.08.26, 2007 . 08
38 尿毒症病人的續發性對側上泌尿道泌尿上皮癌,台灣泌尿科醫學會95年年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
39 Four-corner autologous rectus fascia sling procedure for repair of anterior vaginal prolapse,台灣泌尿科醫學會95年年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
40 Outcome of the urinary bladder after bilateral nephroureterectomy in uremic patients with urothelial carcinoma,95年台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,TaiwanTaipei,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
41 Successful ureteroscopic treatment of spontaneous ureteral rupture — 3 cases report,台灣泌尿科醫學會95年年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
42 The efficacy of emergent embolizaton of internal iliac artery for severe hemorrhagic radiation cystitis,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
43 Left ectopic ureteral orifice located on the bladder neck- internal sphincter: case report,台灣泌尿科醫學會95年年會(,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
44 Biopsy of renal pelvis during the percutaneous nephrolithotripsy session,台灣泌尿科醫學會95年年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
45 Subsequent contralateral upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma in uremic patients,95年台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,TaiwanTaipei,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
46 An aged female urethra inverted papilloma — case report,台灣泌尿科醫學會95年年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
47 The surgical results of renal cell carcinoma at CMUH,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
48 Camparison of open and laparoscopic bilateral nephroureterectomy and cystectomy in uremic patients,台灣泌尿科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
49 Outcome of the Urinary Bladder after Bilateral Nephroureterectomy in Uremic Patients with Urolthelial Carcinoma,台灣泌尿科醫學會95年年會,台灣台北,2006.08~ , 2006 . 08
50 The result of calycoureterostomy: follow up-cases report,台灣外科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
51 RADICAL CYSTECTOMIES: A REVIEW OF CHINA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE,94年度第14屆第2次會員大會暨第27次學術演講會,台灣高雄,2005.08~ , 2005 . 08
52 Incidental upper urinary tract malignancy found in non-function kidney caused by urolithiasis,World congress on Endourology & ESWL,荷蘭陳姆斯特丹,2005.08~ , 2005 . 08
53 Incidental upper urinary tract malignancy found in non-function kidney caused by urolithiasis,23rd World Congress on Endourology and SWL 21st Basic Research Symposium,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,2005.08~ , 2005 . 08
54 CYSTECTOMIES IN UREMIA PATIENTS: WHAT IS DIFFERENCE,94年度第14屆第2次會員大會暨第27次學術演講會,台灣高雄,2005.08~ , 2005 . 08
55 CInnamoyl Chloride Induced Reactive Oxygen Species and Ca+2Production Led to Program Cell Death in Human CervicalCancer Cell Line (HeLa)桂皮醯氯在人類子宮頸癌細胞株誘導活性氧物質及鈣離子的產生導致計畫性細胞死亡,20屆天然藥物研討會,國立中國醫藥研究所,2005.06.24~2005.06.25, 2005 . 06
56 Cinnamoyl Chloride Induced Reactive Oxygen Speciies and Ca+2 Production Led to Program Cell Death in Human Cervical Cancer Cell Line(HeLa)(桂皮醯氯在人類子宮頸癌細胞株誘導活性氧物質及鈣離子的產生導致計畫性細胞死亡,第20屆天然藥物研討會,國立中國醫藥研究所,2005.06.24~2005.06.25, 2005 . 06
57 The Surgical Treatment for adrenal tumor causing cushing's syndrome,94年外科醫學會年會,台灣台北縣,2005.03~ , 2005 . 03
58 The Surgical Treatment for adrenal tumor causing cushing's syndrome,94年外科醫學會年會,台灣桃園縣,2005.03~ , 2005 . 03
59 Risk adjustment for evaluating the outcome of urological operation,94年外科醫學會年會,台灣桃園縣,2005.03~ , 2005 . 03
60 Risk Adjustment for evaluating the outcome of urological operation,94年外科醫學會年會,台灣台北縣,2005.03~ , 2005 . 03
61 RIGHT PERIRENAL AND RETROPERITONEAL FLUID COLLECTION:,泌尿外科醫學會年度學術討論會,中國醫藥大學,2004.08.28~2004.08.29, 2004 . 08
62 The experience of laparoscopic surgery for the suprarenal lesions in the cmuh.,93年泌尿科年會醫學會,台灣台北,2004.08~ , 2004 . 08
63 Right perirenal and retroperitoneal fluid collection: suspected pancreatic pseudocyst rupture--case report.,93年泌尿科年會暨醫學會,台灣台北,2004.08~ , 2004 . 08
64 Shikonin induced G0/G1 arrest undergo decrease CDK1 and CDK2 expression in human bladder cancer cell line (T24),93年外科醫學會,台灣台北,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
65 Renal transplantation: limited experience from CMUH,九十三年外科醫學會,台灣台北,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
66 Congenital Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction: Experience in CMUH.,台灣泌尿科醫學會92年會員大會,中國醫藥大學,2003.08.30~2003.08.31, 2003 . 08
67 The applied evaluation of retrograde pyelographyhe for patients with hematuria<BR>,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , 2003 . 08
68 Surgery treatment for upper urinary tract TCC,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , 2003 . 08
69 Comparison with Incidental Detected and Symptomatic Renal Cell Carcinoma.,台灣泌尿科醫學會92年會員大會,中國醫藥大學,2003.08.30~2003.08.31, 2003 . 08
70 New technique treated forgotten indwelling ureteral stent with silk-loop fixed its low end<BR>,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , 2003 . 08
71 Transitional cell carcinoma in uremic patients,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , 2003 . 08
72 Shikonin induced apoptosis undergo caspase-3 activity in human bladder cancer cell line (T24) <BR>,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , 2003 . 08
73 Paclitaxel (Taxol) induced G2/M arrest of cell cycle in human bladder cancer cell line (T24)<BR>,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , 2003 . 08
74 Laparoscopic surgery for upper urinary tract tcc-preliminary experiences in china medical college hospital<BR>,台灣泌尿科醫學會,,2003.08~ , 2003 . 08
75 Upper Urinary Tract Tumor Coexisted with Urollithiasis.,中華民國泌尿科醫學會92年會員大會,北榮,2002.08.01~2002.08.01, 2002 . 08
76 Abdominal Non-Wilms’ Tumors in Children:Experience in CMCH.,台灣外科醫學會92年會員大會,高醫,2002.03.23~2003.03.23, 2002 . 03
77 Spontaneous Ureteral Rupture in a Patient with Urolithiasis.,台灣外科醫學會92年會員大會,高醫,2002.03.24~2002.03.24, 2002 . 03
78 The Possibility of Anterior Calyx to Be an Access of PCN or PCNL,台灣外科醫學會92年會員大會,高醫,2002.03.23~2002.03.23, 2002 . 03
79 Problem encountering in the removal of forgotten and encrusted double-J catheter,泌尿科醫學會,台灣台北市,1996.08~ , 1996 . 08
80 Surgical treatment in the tunnel infection of CAPD,外科醫學會年會,台灣台北市,1996.03~ , 1996 . 03
81 Mangement of urinary tract fistula,外科醫學會年會,台灣台北市,1996.03~ , 1996 . 03
82 Emphysematous pyelonephritis - 4 cases report,外科醫學會年會,台灣台北市,1996.03~ , 1996 . 03


1 李奇龍*、王馨世、朱建福、鄭丞傑、劉嘉燿、江漢聲、張耀 仁、彭巧珍、楊東川(Tung-Chuan Yang)、蕭美君、黃寬仁、曹麗英、葉進仲(Jin-Jung Ye)、周輝政、王家瑋、顏志峰、宋永魁、溫明賢,更年期醫學,合記書局有限公司,2007.10 2007 . 10


研究計畫/Research Grant
1 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC2-108,吳錫金(Wu, Hsi-Chin)、楊啟瑞(Yang, Che-Rei)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、連啟舜(Chi-Shun Lien)、陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、黃志平(Huang, Chi-Ping),附醫廠商計畫,一項研究亞洲攝護腺癌病患使用 ELIGARD®的安全性、療效和生活品質之第四期、介入性試驗(ELIGANT),2017.1.1~2017.12.31 2017 . 01
2 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC2-150,張兆祥(Chang, Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Yang, Che-Rei)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、連啟舜(Chi-Shun Lien)、黃志平(Huang, Chi-Ping),附醫廠商計畫,一項第三期隨機研究,針對接受確定性療法後其高風險非轉移性前列腺癌仍惡化的男性患者,探討 Enzalutamide + Leuprolide 療法、Enzalutamide 單一療法及安慰劑 + Leuprolide 療法的療效和安全性,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 2017 . 01
3 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC1-116,梁基安(Liang, Ji-An)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、楊啟瑞(Yang, Che-Rei)、黃志平(Huang, Chi-Ping)、謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、郭于誠(Yu-Cheng, Kuo),附醫廠商計畫,接受主要放射線療法之高風險、局限性或局部晚期攝護腺癌受試者使用JNJ-56021927的一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照第3期研究,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 2017 . 01
4 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC1-038,張兆祥(Chang, Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Yang, Che-Rei)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、陳國樑(Chen, Kuo-Liang)、鄒頷龍、黃志平(Huang, Chi-Ping),附醫廠商計畫,第二期雙盲隨機分組安慰劑控制臨床試驗研究MCS®於預防男性前列腺癌之效果及安全性,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 2017 . 01
5 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-029,張兆祥(Chang, Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Yang, Che-Rei)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、黃志平(Huang, Chi-Ping)、陳國樑(Chen, Kuo-Liang)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi),附醫廠商計畫,一項亞洲、多國、第三期、隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照、針對未曾接受化學治療且使用雄性素去除療法後失敗之漸進性轉移性攝護腺癌患者使用口服enzalutamide之療效與安全性的試驗,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 2017 . 01
6 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-105,張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi),附醫廠商計畫,一項開放性、單組試驗,以評估晚期前列腺癌受試者使用Leuprolide Mesylate注射液(LMIS 50mg)的安全性、療效與藥物動力學型態,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
7 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC1-038,張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、陳國樑(Chen, Kuo-Liang)、鄒頷龍、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang),附醫廠商計畫,第二期雙盲隨機分組安慰劑控制臨床試驗研究MCS®於預防男性前列腺癌之效果及安全性,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
8 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC1-116,梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、 黃志平、謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、郭于誠(Yu-Cheng, Kuo),附醫廠商計畫,接受主要放射線療法之高風險、局限性或局部晚期攝護腺癌受試者使用JNJ-56021927的一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照第3期研究,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
9 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC2-150,張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、連啟舜(Chi-Shun Lien)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang),附醫廠商計畫,一項第三期隨機研究,針對接受確定性療法後其高風險非轉移性前列腺癌仍惡化的男性患者,探討 Enzalutamide + Leuprolide 療法、Enzalutamide 單一療法及安慰劑 + Leuprolide 療法的療效和安全性,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
10 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC2-030,張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、 葉士芃、林精湛(Ching-Chan Lin)、林哲弘(Che-Hung Lin),附醫廠商計畫,一項使用Pembrolizumab (MK-3475)於晚期無法以手術切除或轉移性尿路上皮癌患者的第二期臨床試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
11 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-029,張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、陳國樑(Chen, Kuo-Liang)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi),附醫廠商計畫,一項亞洲、多國、第三期、隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照、針對未曾接受化學治療且使用雄性素去除療法後失敗之漸進性轉移性攝護腺癌患者使用口服enzalutamide之療效與安全性的試驗,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
12 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC1-135,張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、葉士芃(Su-Peng Yeh)、林精湛(Ching-Chan Lin),附醫廠商計畫,一項第三期隨機臨床試驗,於患有已復發或已惡化轉移性尿路上皮癌的受試者中比較pembrolizumab(MK-3475)與paclitaxel、docetaxel或vinflunine,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01
13 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-031,張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、葉進仲(Yeh, Chin-Chung)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang),附醫廠商計畫,一項前瞻性、縱貫、多國參與、觀察性研究,描述在接受確定性攝護腺癌治療後經過生化檢測證明出現復發並具有臨床結果差的高風險的男性病人、患有抗去勢型攝護腺癌的男性病人,以及首次診斷即確定為轉移性攝護腺癌的男性病人的照護模式和結果,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 2016 . 01





