Paper洪少奇 Shao-Chi Hung 主治醫師
期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 吳沁霓(CHIN-NI WU)、陳坤堡(Kuen-Bao Chen)、許周荃(Chou-Chuan Hsu)、許為迪(Wei-Ti Hsu)、洪少奇(Hung, Shao-Chi)*,Association between diabetes mellitus and postoperative opioid use: A meta-analysis,JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH,2024 Oct,302():814-824 | 2024 . 10 |
2 | 許為迪(Wei-Ti Hsu)、許傑閔(Chieh-Min Hsu)、洪少奇(Hung, Shao-Chi)、洪詩雅(Shih-Ya Hung)*,Acupuncture Improves Sleep Disorders and Depression among Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A Meta-Analysis,Healthcare,2023 Jul,11():2042 | 2023 . 07 |
3 | 劉時凱(Shih-Kai Liu)、吳邵群(Shao-Chun Wu)、洪少奇(Hung, Shao-Chi)、陳坤堡(Kuen-Bao Chen)、馬艾美(Amina M. Illias)、蔡永豐(Yung-Fong Tsai)*,Combined Programmed Intermittent Bolus and Patient-Controlled Bolus Is a More Favorable Setting for Epidural Pain Relief Than Continuous Infusion,Healthcare,2023 May,11(9):1350-1350 | 2023 . 05 |
4 | 洪少奇(Hung, Shao-Chi)、許為迪(Wei-Ti Hsu)、傅琦玲(Chi-Lin Fu)、賴郁文(Yu-Wen Lai)、沈美鈴(Mei-Ling Shen)、陳坤堡(Kuen-Bao Chen)*,Does surgical plethysmographic index-guided analgesia affect opioid requirement and extubation time? A systematic review and meta-analysis,Journal of Anesthesia,2022 Aug,(): | 2022 . 08 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | Failure of extubation in a patient with undiagnosed myasthenia gravis,2022 TSA Annual Meeting 台灣麻醉醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會,林口長庚紀念醫院,2022.11.5 ~2022.11.6 , | 2022 . 11 |
2 | Successful management of a severe lower airway obstruction, confirmed by fiberoptic bronchoscopy prior to combined spinal epidural(CSE).,第64屆台灣麻醉醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會,高雄醫學大學國際研究大樓地下二樓國際會議廳,2020.09.19~2020.09.20, | 2020 . 09 |
3 | Anesthetic Management in Stevens-Johnson syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Complicated with Sepsis: A Case Report,2019 台灣麻醉醫學會年會暨學術研討會,花蓮遠雄悅來大飯店2~4樓,2019.10.04~2019.10.05, | 2019 . 10 |
4 | Experience in Management of Patients with Super-super Morbid Obesity Undergoing Bariatric Surgery- A Case Report,2019年台灣麻醉醫學會年會,花蓮遠雄悅來大飯店,2019.10.05~2019.10.06, | 2019 . 10 |