期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 曾準(Tseng Chun)、陳建民(Chien-Min Chen)、謝逸憲教授(Yi-Hsien Hsieh)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、陳建聞(CHEN MICHAEL)、蕭龐軒(Pang-Hsuan Hsiao)、馮逸卿(Yi-Ching Fong)、王沛涵(Pei-Han Wang)、陳霈霓(Pei-Ni Chen)、林任家(Renn-Chia Lin)*,MTA2 knockdown suppresses human osteosarcoma metastasis by inhibiting uPA expression,Aging-US,2024 Sep,16(17): | 2024 . 09 |
2 | 陳建聞(CHEN MICHAEL)、羅元舜(Yuan-Shun Lo)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、曾準(Tseng Chun)、蕭龐軒(Pang-Hsuan Hsiao)、賴建穎(Chien-Ying Lai)、李翎溢(Ling-Yi Li)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,Impact of sarcopenia on outcomes following lumbar spine surgery for degenerative disease: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis,EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL,2024 Jun,.(.):.-. | 2024 . 06 |
3 | 張寶瓏(CHANG PAO--LUNG)、陳建聞(CHEN MICHAEL)、蕭龐軒(Pang-Hsuan Hsiao)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、羅元舜(Yuan-Shun Lo)、曾準(Tseng Chun)、李翎溢(Ling-Yi Li)、賴建穎(Chien-Ying Lai)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,Navigation-Assisted One-Staged Posterior Spinal Fusion Using Pedicle Screw Instrumentation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Case Series,Medicina-Lithuania,2024 Feb,60(2):300 | 2024 . 02 |
4 | (Chun Yeh)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,MINIMALLY INVASIVE SPINE SURGERY FOR POST-TRAUMATIC KYPHOSIS: A SYSTEMIC LITERATURE REVIEW AND RETROSPECTIVE CASE ANALYSIS,Journal of Musculoskeletal Research,2023 Jun,26(02): | 2023 . 06 |
5 | 毛睿廷(Mao Jui Ting)、張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、林奕濠(I-Hao,Lin)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)*、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*,Clinical Outcomes of Single Versus Double Plating in Distal-Third Humeral Fractures Caused by Arm Wrestling: A Retrospective Analysis,Medicina-Lithuania,2022 Nov,58(11):1654-1663 | 2022 . 11 |
6 | 林奕濠(I-Hao,Lin)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、蕭龐軒(Pang-Hsuan Hsiao)、(Hsi-Kai Tsou)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,Percutaneous endoscopic surgery alone to treat severe infectious spondylodiscitis in the thoracolumbar spine: a reparative mechanism of spontaneous spinal arthrodesis,Pain Physician,2022 Mar,25(2):E299-E308 | 2022 . 03 |
7 | 林奕濠(I-Hao,Lin)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、羅健生(Chien-Sheng Lo)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*,Arthroscopy-Assisted Reduction and Internal Fixation versus Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Glenoid Fracture with Scapular Involvement: A Retrospective Cohort Study,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2022 Feb,11(4):1311 | 2022 . 02 |
8 | 蕭龐軒(Pang-Hsuan Hsiao)、(Erh-Ti Ernest Lin)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、羅元舜(Yuan-Shun Lo)、賴建穎(Chien-Ying Lai)、李翎溢(Ling-Yi Li)、(Michael Jian-Wen Chen)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,Computed Tomography-Guided Endoscopic Surgery in Lumbar Disc Herniation with High-Grade Migration: A Retrospective, Comparative Study,Pain Physician,2022 Feb,(): | 2022 . 02 |
9 | 林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、張育瑄(Yu-Hsien Chang)、林奕濠(I-Hao,Lin)、黃虹瑜(Hung-Yu Huang)、張丞賢、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*,Case Report: Isolated Middle-Third Clavicle Fracture Causing Horner’s Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review,Frontiers in Surgery,2021 Apr,(): | 2021 . 04 |
10 | 張皓維(Chang Hao Wei)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、陳潓誼(Hui-Yi Chen)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、林奕濠(I-Hao,Lin)、許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu)*、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)*,Anthropometric factors on safe distances between popliteal vessels to the femur for cerclage wiring of the distal femoral fracture: a magnetic resonance imaging study,Medicina-Lithuania,2020 Nov,56(): | 2020 . 11 |
11 | 林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、曾準(Tseng Chun)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、羅元舜(Yuan-Shun Lo)、蕭龐軒(Pang-Hsuan Hsiao)、(Hsi-Kai Tsou)、(Chih-Sheng Lin)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*,Seizure Following Percutaneous Endoscopic Surgery-Incidence, risk factors, prevention and management,World Neurosurgery,2020 Mar,2020(): | 2020 . 03 |
12 | 陳柏辰(Po-Chen Chen)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、何宗祐(Tsung-Yu Ho)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、(Hsi-Kai Tsou)、(Chih-Sheng Lin)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),The accuracy of 3D printing assistance in the spinal deformity surgery,Biomed Research International,2019 Oct,.(): | 2019 . 10 |
13 | 林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、陳衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、(Hsi-Kai Tsou)、(Chih-Sheng Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)*、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu),New Strategy for Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgery to Treat Infectious Spondylodiscitis in the Thoracolumbar Spine,Pain Physician,2019 May,22(3):281-293 | 2019 . 05 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | Spinal endoscopic surgery for treating spinal epidural abscess in thoracolumabar spine,2025 Global Spine Congress,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,2025.05.28~2025.05.31, | 2025 . 05 |
2 | Spinal endoscopic decompression versus Interspinous process device for lumbar spinal stenosis: mid-term results of a comparison study,2025 Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Congress,Cairns Convention Centre,2025.04.09~2025.04.12, | 2025 . 04 |
3 | Radiological Subsequence After Spinal Endoscopic Surgery alone to treat Infectious spondylodiscitis: A retrospective mid-term follow-up,EUROSPINE Annual Meeting 2024,Reed Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center,2024.10.02~2024.10.04, | 2024 . 10 |
4 | ,9 th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses, Skull Base, Brain and Spine (ENDOKL2024),Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,2024.04.25~2024.04.27,The role of endoscopic surgery in treating spine infection | 2024 . 04 |
5 | Minimally Invasive Surgery for Adult Spinal Deformity:A Retrospective Case Analysis and Systemic Literature Review 成人及追側彎顯微手術:回溯性病例分析及系統性文獻回顧,中華民國骨科醫學會112年度第84次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪酒店,2023.10.28~2023.10.29, | 2023 . 10 |
6 | Spinal Endoscopic surgery for treating Spinal epidural abscess in thoracolumbar spine: A Retrospective study and literature reviews,The 23rd PASMISS & TSESS 6th annual meeting 第23屆亞洲微創脊椎外科醫學會暨第六屆台灣脊椎內視鏡醫學會年會,Formosa Convention Center,2023.07.13~2023.07.15, | 2023 . 07 |
7 | Clinical and radiological subsequence of spinal endoscopic surgery for infectious spondylodiscitis: 5-year follow–up cohort study,The 23rd PASMISS & TSESS 6th annual meeting 第23屆亞洲微創脊椎外科醫學會暨第六屆台灣脊椎內視鏡醫學會年會,Formosa Convention Center,2023.07.13~2023.07.15, | 2023 . 07 |
8 | Comparison of Percutaneous Endoscopic surgery to Treat Infectious Spondylodiscitis with or without Spinal epidural abscess: A Retrospective study and literature reviews,Spineweek (APSS, NASS, SOSORT, SIS, AOSPINE...),澳洲墨爾本會議中心 (Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre),2023.05.01~2023.05.05, | 2023 . 05 |
9 | 微創脊椎內視鏡針對硬膜上膿瘍的治療技巧 Percutaneous Endoscopic surgery to Treat Spinal epidural abscess: Surgical Technique and Case Series,2022台灣脊椎微創內視鏡醫學會年度國際學術研討會,板橋慈濟園區靜思堂,2022.12.10~2022.12.10, | 2022 . 12 |
10 | ,22nd APOA Meeting亞洲骨科醫學會2022年度會議,馬尼拉 (線上),2022.11.24~2022.11.26,The Role of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery in Treating Spine infection | 2022 . 11 |
11 | Comparison of Prognosis and Complications Between Long Segment and Short Segment Posterior Spinal Instrumentation with Intermediate Screw in Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures 比較長節後側椎弓鏍釘固定及短節後側椎弓螺 釘固定在胸腰椎爆裂性骨折之預後及併發症,中華民國骨科醫學會【111年度第82次聯合學術研討會】,台北萬豪酒店,2022.10.29~2022.10.30, | 2022 . 10 |
12 | 全內視鏡減壓與棘突間撐開裝置(IPD)在治療腰椎狹窄(LSS)的五年追蹤 Interspinous process device versus Full-endoscopic decompression for lumbar spinal stenosis: minimum 5-year results of a comparison study,中華民國骨科醫學會111年度第82次聯合學術研討會,台北萬豪飯店,2022.10.29~2022.10.30, | 2022 . 10 |
13 | Mid-term Follow-up In Thoracolumbar Infective Spondylodiscitis After Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgery: Reparative Mechanism Of Spontaneous Spinal Arthrodesis 內視鏡治療感染性脊椎炎:自發性融合的修復機轉,第22屆亞太區微創脊椎醫學會年會 PASMISS 2022 and Singapore Spine Society 5th Annual Meeting,Grand Hyatt Singapore (線上),2022.07.28~2022.07.31, | 2022 . 07 |
14 | Clinical and radiological subsequence of percutaneous endoscopic surgery alone to treat infectious spondylodiscitis in the thoracolumbar spine: 5-year follow–up cohort study 脊椎內視鏡治療感染性脊椎五年追蹤經驗,APSS Annual Meeting 2022 亞洲脊椎外科醫學會2022年度會議,Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India (線上),2022.06.10~2022.06.12, | 2022 . 06 |
15 | Mid-term Follow-Up of Percutaneous Endoscopic Surgery for Infectious Spondylodiscitis: The Radiology and Clinical Outcomes 脊椎內視鏡治療感染性脊椎炎:臨床及影像中長期追蹤,中華民國骨科醫學會【111年第81次春季聯合學術研討會】,高雄萬豪酒店,2022.04.9 ~2022.04.9 , | 2022 . 04 |
16 | Clinical and Radiological Subsequence of Percutaneous Endoscopic Surgery for the Infectious Spondylodiscitis: 5-year Follow–up Cohort Study,台灣脊椎外科醫學會【台灣脊椎外科醫學會成立30週年慶祝大會 暨111年會員大會及第30次學術研討會】,臺大醫院國際會議中心會議廳,2022.03.12~2022.03.12, | 2022 . 03 |
17 | lmage Results in The Elder Patients with Vertebral Compression Fracture Who Received High Viscosity or Low Viscosity Cement for Verteboplasty 使用高黏稠性或低黏稠性骨水泥治療老年人脊椎壓迫性骨折的影像 結論,台灣脊椎外科醫學會【台灣脊椎外科醫學會成立30週年慶祝大會 暨111年會員大會及第30次學術研討會】,臺大醫院國際會議中心會議廳,2022.03.12~2022.03.12, | 2022 . 03 |
18 | Restabilization process after severe infective spondylodiscitis: a series review.Spontaneously bony ankylosis after endoscopy surgery in infective spondylodiscitis.,中華民國骨科醫學會109年度第78次聯合學術研討討會,台北萬豪酒店,2020.10.24~2020.10.25, | 2020 . 10 |
19 | A new concept for treating non‐union kyphotic disability of thoracolumbar fracture,台灣脊椎外科醫學會109年會員大會暨第28次學術研討會,林口長庚研究大樓國際會議廳,2020.08.01~2020.08.01, | 2020 . 08 |
20 | Seizure: An Unexpected Surgical Complication in Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy – Cases Review for Risk Factor and the Red Flag Sign,中華民國骨科醫學會【108 年度第 77 次聯合學術研討會】,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, | 2019 . 10 |
21 | Seizure: An Unexpected Surgical Complication in Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy – Cases Review for Risk Factor and the Red Flag Sign,中華民國骨科醫學會108年度第77次聯合學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, | 2019 . 10 |
22 | Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Instrumentation Correction of Osteoporotic Thoracolumbar Fracture with Nonunion Kyphotic Deformity,中華民國骨科醫學會【108 年度第 77 次聯合學術研討會】,台北榮民總醫院,2019.10.26~2019.10.27, | 2019 . 10 |
23 | Minimally invasive corrective surgery for non-union of osteoporotic thoracolumbar fracture with kyphosis - preliminary case series,Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery 2019,蘇州獨墅湖國際大酒店,2019.08.7 ~2019.08.10, | 2019 . 08 |
24 | Posterior Shoulder Fracture Dislocation - diagnosis and management,4th AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress,1/F, Grand Hyatt Taipei Hotel,2019.05.24~2019.05.25, | 2019 . 05 |
25 | Percutaneous posterior tension band reconstruction for fracture kyphotic deformity in thoracolumbar spine – preliminary surgical report,12th Combined Meeting of APSS & APPOS,Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea,2019.04.04~2019.04.06, | 2019 . 04 |
26 | Result of Early Repair of MCL and LCL in Unstable Elbow Dislocation,2019 APKASS and 16thIFOSMA,中国成都,2019.04.18~2019.04.21, | 2019 . 04 |
27 | Unique Complication of Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy- A Case Report and Literature Review of Seizure Following the Endoscopic Surgery,中華民國骨科醫學會 107 年度第 75 次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,2018.10.27~2018.10.28, | 2018 . 10 |
28 | New surgical treatment strategies of minimal invasive percutaneous endoscopic surgery for infectious spondylodiscitis,The 18th Annual Meeting of the Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery,高雄展覽館,2018.07.19~2018.07.21, | 2018 . 07 |
29 | Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar surgery: clinical results of 508 operations in 489 consecutive cases,The 18th Annual Meeting of the Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery,高雄展覽館,2018.07.19~2018.07.21, | 2018 . 07 |
30 | A New Surgical strategy for infectious spondylodiscitis in thoracic and lumbar spine,APSS 18th Asia Pacfic Spine Society Annual Meeting in Taiwan,台大國際會議中心,2018.06.07~2018.06.09, | 2018 . 06 |
31 | New surgical treatment strategies for infectious spondylodiscitis of thoracic and lumbar spine,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第73次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心(台北市徐州路2號)),2017.10.28~2017.10.29, | 2017 . 10 |
32 | 脊椎內視鏡後癲癇個案處置經驗分享 Seizure after percutaneous endoscopic surgery,台灣脊椎外科醫學會【中區脊椎討論會】,台中林酒店6F仙侶廳,2017.06.3 ~2017.06.3 , | 2017 . 06 |
33 | Neglected thumb basal joint fracture dislocation: a Case report and literature review,中華民國骨科醫學會 106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓B1~1F,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, | 2017 . 04 |
34 | 508 次脊椎內視鏡手術在 489 病人的臨床結果 Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar surgery: clinical results of 508 operations in 489 consecutive cases,中華民國骨科醫學會106年度第72次春季聯合學術研討會,中國醫藥大學102演講廳,2017.04.22~2017.04.22, | 2017 . 04 |
專書/Books (作者,書名,出版商,出版日期) |
日期 | |
1 | 陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、林珈郁(Chia-Yu Lin),2023 脊椎微創手術的最新進展(The Latest Advances in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery),力大圖書有限公司,2023.7 | 2023 . 07 |