
Doctor Introduction



Yu-Cheng Lo
Yu-Cheng Lo


羅昱承 Yu-Cheng Lo

齒顎矯正、一般牙科治療。 (1)咬合不正、齒列不整齊(齒列凌亂、門牙之間縫隙過大、前牙開咬、前牙錯咬) 。 (2)暴牙、戽斗、臉歪。 (3)正顎手術之矯正協同治療。 (4)假牙全口重建之矯正協同治療。 (5)兒童矯正、青少年矯正與成人矯正。 (6)傳統矯正治療、自鎖式矯正、隱形矯正。


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 張育翔(CHANG SEAN)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、李慈心(LEE TZU-HSIN)、羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Improved Super-elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire for the Treatment of Angle Class II Malocclusion Combined with 3 Lower Incisors and Scissors Bite Case,Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics,2024 Aug,36(2):69-79 2024 . 08
2 羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、陳冠安(Guan-An Chen)、劉胤君(Yin-Chun Liu)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、許瑞廷(Jui-Ting Hsu)*、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Prototype of Augmented Reality Technology for Orthodontic Bracket Positioning: An In Vivo Study,Applied Sciences-Basel,2021 Mar,(): 2021 . 03
3 陳子安(CHEN ZI-AN)、羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、徐孟駒(Hsu, Meng-Chu)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen),Improved Super-elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire for the Treatment of Adult Occlusal Plane Canting with a Gummy Deep Bite Case: A Case Report,American journal of Dentistry and oral care,2020 Apr,3(2):1-5 2020 . 04
4 羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、江顯雄(Hsien-Hsiung Chiang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Atypical Finishing with Lower Incisor Missing and Lower Primary Canine Retained using Improved Super-Elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire and Aligners,Dental Research and Oral Health,2019 Oct,2019(3):053-061 2019 . 10
5 羅昱承(Yu-Cheng Lo)、陳源厚(Yuan-Hou Chen)、江顯雄(Hsien-Hsiung Chiang)、余建宏(Jian-Hong Yu)*,Use improved super-elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire to correct Class II division 2 malocclusion with unstable mandibular position,中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌,2018 Aug,30(3):181-191 2018 . 08


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 ISW for the treatment of skeletal Class III with facial asymmetry case,The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本新潟,2023.11.01~2023.11.03, 2023 . 11
2 ISW for the treatment of Angle class III case with mandibular three incisors,第81屆日本矯正學會年會The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,日本 大阪 Osaka International Convention Center, Japan,2022.10.05~2022.10.07, 2022 . 10
3 ISW for crossbite with low mandibular plane angle for three years follow up,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
4 ISW for upper right lateral incisor crossbite with low mandibular plane angle for three years follow-up,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki Brick Hall, Nagasaki Shimbun Cultural Hall,,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
5 A Study on Augmented Reality (AR) Bracketing,The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,Nagasaki,2019.11.20~2019.11.22, 2019 . 11
6 ISW and Aligner for Angle Class III Tendency Low Angle combined with Lower canine Missing.,第77回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會暨第7回日韓矯正大會,PACIFICO Yokohama,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
7 Augmented Reality (AR) Bracketing,The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society,PACIFICO Yokohama conventional center,2018.10.30~2018.11.01, 2018 . 10
8 LH combined with orthodontic implant for the treatment of facial asymmetry non-surgery case,11th Asia pacific orthodntic conference,Boracay Philippines,2018.03.05~2018.03.07, 2018 . 03
9 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class II division 2 combined with mandibular unstable positions,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10
10 ISW for the treatment of Angle Class II division 2 combined with mandibular unstable positions,第76回日本矯正齒科學會學術大會,日本札幌市教育文化會館,2017.10.18~2017.10.20, 2017 . 10









