
Doctor Introduction



Che-Chen Lin
Che-Chen Lin


林則成 Che-Chen Lin

資料驗證與清理方法開發 流行病學研究方法 生物統計 衛生福利部資科中心資料庫分析


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 陳鴻霖(CHEN HUNG-LIN)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、張育瑞(David Ray Chang)、(Chi-Fung Cheng)、(Charles C. N. Wang)、(Tzu-Pin Lu)、(Chien-Yueh Lee)、(Amrita Chattopadhyay)*、林育廷(LIN YU-TING)*、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、余珮慈(YU PEI-TZU)、黃建豐(HUANG CHIEN-FONG)、(Chieh-Hua Lin)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、(Huai-Kuang Tsai)、(Eric Y. Chuang)、(Adrienne Tin)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)*,Discovery and prioritization of genetic determinants of kidney function in 297,355 individuals from Taiwan and Japan,Nature Communications,2024 Oct,15():9317 2024 . 10
2 謝登富(Teng-Fu Hsieh)、陳鴻霖(CHEN HUNG-LIN)、夏瑩芳(Ying-Fang Hsia)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、巫旻諺(WU MIN-YEN)、陳聖軒(CHEN SHENG-HSUAN)、謝博帆(Hsieh, Po-Fan)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、張菡(Han Chang)*、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)*,Age-specific percentile-based prostate-specific antigen cutoff values predict the risk of prostate cancer: A single hospital observation,BioMedicine,2023 Sep,13(3):9-24 2023 . 09
3 (Yu-Ching Hsu)、陳鴻霖(CHEN HUNG-LIN)、(Chi-Fung Cheng)、安莉達(Amrita Chattopadhyay)、(Pei-Shan Chen)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、劉鼎元(Ting-Yuan Liu)、黃至豪(Huang ChihHao)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)、(Eric Y. Chuang)、(Tzu-Pin Lu)*、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*,The largest genome-wide association study for breast cancer in Taiwanese Han population,BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT,2023 Aug,(): 2023 . 08
4 王牧羣、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、陳鴻霖(CHEN HUNG-LIN)、蔡秀珍、林文元(Wen-Yuan lin)、何弘棋(Hung-Chi Ho)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)*,Association between coronary artery calcium and all-cause mortality: A large single-center retrospective cohort study,PLoS One,2022 Oct,17(10): 2022 . 10
5 王捷賢(Jie-Sian Wang)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、王宇澄(Yu-Chen Wang)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、梁志嘉(Liang, Chih-Chia)、王牧群(Mu-Cyun Wang)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、蕭瓊子(Chiung-Tzu Hsiao)、沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)*,Dyslipidemia and coronary artery calcium: From association to development of a risk-prediction nomogram,NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES,2022 Aug,32(8):1944-1954 2022 . 08
6 張仕妮(Shih-Ni Chang)、(蕭雅倫)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、孫全滸(SUN CHUAN-HU)、陳佩珊(CHEN PEI-SHAN)、巫旻諺(WU MIN-YEN)、陳聖軒(CHEN SHENG-HSUAN)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、蕭瓊子(Chiung-Tzu Hsiao)、金凱怡、張鈞閔(CHANG CHUB-MIN)*、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)*,Application of machine learning methods for the prediction of true fasting status in patients performing blood tests,Scientific Reports,2022 Jul,(11929): 2022 . 07
7 梁馨月(Hsin-Yueh Liang)、蕭雅倫、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)*,Associations Between Myocardial Diastolic Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Large Single-Center Cohort Study,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY,2022 Apr,35(4):395-407 2022 . 04
8 黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*、陳宣如(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang),Hypothyroidism risk associated with rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based retrospective cohort study,MEDICINE,2022 Feb,101(1): 2022 . 02
9 姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)、陳宗家(Tsung-Chia Chen)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、何菁(Lu-Ching Ho)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)、齊治宇(Chih-Yu Chi)*,Trend and Predictors of Short-Term Mortality of Adult Bacteremia at Emergency Departments: A 14-Year Cohort Study of 14 625 Patients,Open Forum Infectious Diseases,2021 Oct,(): 2021 . 10
10 許玉龍(Yu-Lung Hsu)、張仕妮(Shih-Ni Chang)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、林曉娟(Hsiao-Chuan Lin)、賴奐丞(Huan-Cheng Lai)、郭錦輯(Kuo, Chin-Chi)、黃高彬(Kao-Pin Hwang)、姜秀穎(Hsiu-Yin Chiang)*,Clinical characteristics and prediction analysis of pediatric urinary tract infections caused by gram-positive bacteria,Scientific Reports,2021 May,11():11010 2021 . 05
11 (Yin-Che Lu)、(Da-Wei Huang)、(Pin-Tzu Chen)、(Ching-Fang Tsai)、林美辰(Mei-Chen Lin)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、王世亨(Wang, Shi-Heng)*、潘怡均(Pang, Yi-Chun)*,Association between statin use and second cancer risk in breast cancer patients: a nationwide population‑based cohort study,BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT,2021 Feb,185(3):773-783 2021 . 02
12 許傑程(Chieh-Cheng, Hsu)、郭繼陽(Jih-Yang, Ko)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、陳賢德(Hsien-Te Chen)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,The Epidemiology of Hip Fracture among Subjects with Pyogenic Liver Abscess (PLA): A Nationwide Population-Based Study,,Biomed Research International,2020 Feb,2020(): 2020 . 02
13 邱詠証(Chiu, Yung-Cheng)、廖培劭(LIAO PEI-SHAO)、周奕廷(Chou,Yi-Ting)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、洪誌鴻(Chi-Horng Horng)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、許傑程(Chieh-Cheng Hsu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)、黃俊銘(Jyun-Ming Huang)、王楊詒(Yang-Yi Wang)、郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)*,The Incidence and Risk Factors of Hip Fracture after Liver Transplantation (LT): A Nationwide Population-Based Study,Biomed Research International,2019 Dec,2019(): 2019 . 12
14 孫銘輝(Ming-Hui Sun)、(Yaping Joyce Liao)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、江秉穎(Chiang, Ping-Ying)、魏正宗(Wei,Cheng-Chung)*,Association between obstructive sleep apnea and optic neuropathy: A Taiwanese Population-Based bidirectional cohort Study,EYE,2018 Aug,32(8):1353-1358 2018 . 08
15 洪逸芷(Yi-Chin Hung)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、黃偉倫(Wei-Lun Huang)、張曼萍(Man-Ping Chang)、陳清助(Ching-Chu Chen)*,sitagliptin and risk of heart failure hospitalization in patients with type 2 diabetes on dialysis: A population-based cohort study,Scientific Reports,2016 Jul,6():30499 2016 . 07
16 郭書瑞(Shu-Jui Kuo)、黃柏樺(Po-Hua Huang)、張建鈞(Chien-Chun Chang)、郭峰志(Feng-Chih Kuo)、吳政達(Cheng-Ta Wu)、許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu)*、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen),Hepatitis B Virus Infection Is a Risk Factor for Periprosthetic Joint Infection Among Males After Total Knee Arthroplasty,MEDICINE,2016 Jun,95(22): 2016 . 06
17 張家綺(Chia-Chi Chang)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、(Chin-Hsien Chang)、邱正廸(Cheng-Di Chiu)、周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)、孫茂峰(SUN, MAO-FENG)、顏宏融(Hung-Rong Yen)*,Characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine usage in patients with stroke in Taiwan: A nationwide population-based study,JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY,2016 Jun,186():311-321 2016 . 06
18 周宜卿(I-Ching Chou)、王仲興(Chung-Hsing Wang)、林瑋德(Wei-De Lin)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Risk of epilepsy in type 1 diabetes mellitus a population-based cohort study,DIABETOLOGIA,2016 Mar,59(6):1196-1203 2016 . 03
19 (Yu Sun)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、(Chien-Jung Lu)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association Between Zolpidem and Suicide: A Nationwide Population-Based Case-Control Study.,MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS,2016 Mar,91(3):308-315 2016 . 03
20 (Victor C. Kok)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hung Tseng),Cancer risk in East Asian patients associated with acquired haemolytic anaemia: a nationwide population-based cohort study,BMC CANCER,2016 Feb,16(1):57 2016 . 02
21 (Tung-Min Yu)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、(Kuo-Hsiung Shu)、(Ya-Wen Chuang)、(Shih-Ting Huang)、(Cheng-Hsu Chen)、(Ming-Ju Wu)、(Mu-Chi Chung)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、鍾季容(Chi-Jung Chung)*,Increased risk of hepatic complications in kidney transplantation with chronic virus hepatitis infection: A nationwide population-based cohort study,Scientific Reports,2016 Feb,6():21312-21319 2016 . 02
22 (C.-Y. Lin)、(T. Ma)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,The impact of global budgeting on health service utilization, health care expenditures, and quality of care among patients with pneumonia in Taiwan,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2016 Feb,35(2):219-225 2016 . 02
23 蘇振文(Cheng-Wen Su)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*、陳幸宜(Hsin-Yi Chen)*,Association Between Glaucoma and the Risk of Dementia,MEDICINE,2016 Feb,95(7):e2833 2016 . 02
24 黃明正(Ming-cheng Huang)、(Fu-Tzu Pai)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、(Ching-Mao Chang)、張恒鴻(CHANG,HEN-HONG)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)、孫茂峰(SUN, MAO-FENG)、顏宏融(Hung-Rong Yen)*,Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine Use in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study,JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY,2015 Dec,176():9-16 2015 . 12
25 黃靜瑩(Chin-Ying Huang)、賴琬郁(Wan-Yu Lai)、孫茂峰(SUN, MAO-FENG)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、(Bor-Chyuan Chen)、林宏任(Lin Hung-jen)、(Ching-Mao Chang)、楊中賢(Chung-Hsion Yang)、黃國欽(kuo-Chin Huang)、顏宏融(Hung-Rong Yen)*,Prescription Patterns of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Peptic Ulcer Disease in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-based Study,JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY,2015 Dec,176():311-320 2015 . 12
26 (Chih-Chao Hsu)、(Yi-Chao Hsu)、陳宣如(Chen, Hsuan-Ju)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、張光喜(Kuang-Hsi Chang)、(Chang-Yin Lee)、(Lee-Won Chong)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association of Periodontitis and Subsequent Depression: A Nationwide Population-Based Study.,MEDICINE,2015 Dec,94(51):e2347 2015 . 12
27 (Chi-Ieong Lau)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、(Wei-Hung Chen)、(Han-Cheng Wang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Increased risk of chronic fatigue syndrome in patients with migraine: A retrospective cohort study.,JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH,2015 Dec,79(6):514-518 2015 . 12
28 陳幸宜(Hsin-Yi Chen)、徐聖曜(Sheng-Yao Hsu)、(Yue-Cune Chang)、林則成(Lin, Che-Chen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association Between Statin Use and Open-angle Glaucoma in Hyperlipidemia Patients: A Taiwanese Population-based Case-control Study.,MEDICINE,2015 Nov,94(45):e2018 2015 . 11
29 廖厚勳(Hou-Hsun Liao)、(Chia-Chou Yeh)、林則成、(Bor-Chyuan Chen)、(Ming-Hsien Yeh)、張國銘(Kuo-Ming Chang)、孫茂峰(SUN, MAO-FENG)*、顏宏融(Hung-Rong Yen)*,Prescription Patterns of Chinese herbal products for Patients with Fractures in Taiwan: A nationwide population-based study,JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY,2015 Sep,173():11-19 2015 . 09
30 (J.-H. Yeh)、陳宣如、林則成、(Y.-K. Chen)、(H.-C. Chiu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Risk of diabetes mellitus among patients with myasthenia gravis.,ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA,2015 Aug,132(2):132-138 2015 . 08
31 王堂權(Tang-Chuan Wang)、林則成、林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)、鍾雄光(Hsiung-Kwang Chung)、王清源(Ching-Yuang Wang)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Increased Acquired Cholesteatoma Risk in Patients with Osteoporosis: A Retrospective Cohort Study.,PLoS One,2015 Jul,10(7):e0132447 2015 . 07
32 (Hsin-I. Shih)、林則成、(Yi-Fang Tu)、(Chia-Ming Chang)、(Hsiang-Chin Hsu)、(Chih-Hsien Chi)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,An increased risk of reversible dementia may occur after zolpidem derivative use in the elderly population: a population-based case-control study.,MEDICINE,2015 May,94(17):e809 2015 . 05
33 (Yu-Ching Huang)、(Shwu-Tzy Wu)、(Juei-Jueng Lin)、林則成、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Prevalence and risk factors of cognitive impairment in Parkinson disease: a population-based case-control study in taiwan.,MEDICINE,2015 May,94(17):e782 2015 . 05
34 周宜卿(I-Ching Chou)、林則成、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Enterovirus Encephalitis Increases the Risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Taiwanese Population-based Case-control Study.,MEDICINE,2015 Apr,94(16):e707 2015 . 04
35 (Han-Cheng Wang)、林則成、(Chi-Ieong Lau)、(Anna Chang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and bacterial pneumonia in patients with Parkinson disease.,MOVEMENT DISORDERS,2015 Apr,30(4):593-596 2015 . 04
36 (Kuen-Tze Lin)、(Wen-Yen Huang)、林則成、(Yee-Min Jen)、(Chun-Shu Lin)、(Cheng-Hsiang Lo)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Subsequent risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma among patients with allergic rhinitis: A nationwide population-based cohort study.,HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK,2015 Mar,37(3):413-417 2015 . 03
37 (Ya-Lee Ho)、(Chih-Jen Hung)、林則成、(Chwen-Chi Liu)、(Chu-Shiu Li)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao),The association between occupational characteristics and hysterectomies for treating uterine fibroids in taiwan.,WOMEN & HEALTH,2015 Jan,55(1):77-89 2015 . 01
38 (Vinchi Wang)、(Tzu-Hao Chao)、(Chung-Chih Hsieh)、林則成、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Cancer risks among the users of ergot-derived dopamine agonists for Parkinson's disease, a nationwide population-based survey,PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS,2015 Jan,21(1):18-22 2015 . 01
39 周宜卿(I-Ching Chou)、林則成、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder increases risk of bone fracture: a population-based cohort study,DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY,2014 Nov,56(11):1111-1116 2014 . 11
40 周宜卿(I-Ching Chou)、林則成、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder increases the risk of deliberate self-poisoning: A population-based cohort.,EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY,2014 Oct,29(8):523-527 2014 . 10
41 (C.-I. Lau)、林則成、(W.-H. Chen)、(H.-C. Wang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association between migraine and irritable bowel syndrome: a population-based retrospective cohort study.,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY,2014 Sep,21(9):1198-1204 2014 . 09
42 (Wei-Ji Chen)、林則成、(Chang-Yi Lin)、(Yen-Jung Chang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*、(Jun-Jun Yeh)*,Pulmonary Embolism in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Population-Based Cohort Study,COPD-Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,2014 Aug,11(4):438-443 2014 . 08
43 (Cheng-Yu Wei)、(Tieh-Chi Chung)、(Chien-Hua Chen)、林則成、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、(Wen Ting Chung)、(Woon-Man Kung)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、(Yung-Hsiang Yeh)*,Gallstone Disease and the Risk of Stroke: A Nationwide Population-based Study.,Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases,2014 Aug,23(7):1813-1820 2014 . 08
44 鄒永恩(Yung-An Tsou)、林則成、戴志展(Chih-Jaan Tai)、蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai)*、蔡東洲(Tong-chou Tsai)、陳全木(Chuan-Mu Chen),Chronic rhinosinusitis and the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer in a Taiwanese health study,American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy,2014 Aug,28(4):168-172 2014 . 08
45 何宜豪(Yi-Hao Ho)、張玉坤(Yue-Cung Chang)、黃偉成(Wei-Cheng Huang)、陳幸宜(Hsin-Yi Chen)*、林則成、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung),Association Between Zolpidem Use and Glaucoma Risk: A Taiwanese Population-Based Case-Control Study.,JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY,2014 Aug,2014(0051): 2014 . 08
46 (Wen–Yen Huang)、林則成、(Yee–Min Jen)、(Yen–Jung Chang)、(Cheng–Wen Hsiao)、(Muh–Hwa Yang)、(Chun–Shun Lin)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association between colonic diverticular disease and colorectal cancer: a nationwide population-based study.,Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,2014 Aug,12(8):1288-1294 2014 . 08
47 陳幸宜(Hsin-Yi Chen)*、張玉坤(Chang Yue-Cune)、林則成、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)*,Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Having Surgery Are Less Associated with Glaucoma,Journal of Ophthalmology,2014 Jul,2014(): 2014 . 07
48 (H.-C. Wang)、林則成、(C.-I. Lau)、(A. Chang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Risk of accidental injuries amongst Parkinson disease patients.,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY,2014 Jun,21(6):907-913 2014 . 06
49 (Chen-Shu Chang)、廖俊惠(Chun-Hui Liao)、林則成、藍先元(Hsien-Yuan Lane)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Patients with epilepsy are at an increased risk of subsequent stroke: A population-based cohort study,SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY,2014 May,23(5):377-381 2014 . 05
50 賴明美(Ming-May Lai)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、林則成、劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu)、李采娟(Tsai-Chung Li)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Long-Term Use of Zolpidem Increases the Risk of Major Injury: A Population-Based Cohort Study.,MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS,2014 May,89(5):589-594 2014 . 05
51 (Victor C. Kok)*、(Chien-Kuan Lee)、洪炯宗(Jorng-Tzong Horng)、林則成、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung),Reappraisal of the Etiology of Extracorpuscular Non-Autoimmune Acquired Hemolytic Anemia in 2657 Hospitalized Patients with Non-Neoplastic Disease,Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology,2014 Apr,open(): 2014 . 04
52 廖延修(Yen-Hsiu Liao)、林則成、蔡伯邦(Po-Pang Tsai)、沈戊忠(Wu-Chung Shen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Increased risk of lichen simplex chronicus in people with anxiety disorder: A nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study.,BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY,2014 Apr,170(4):890-894 2014 . 04
53 (Wan-Yun Hsu)、(Chih-Hung Lin)、林則成、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、(Chung-Ping Hsu)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,The relationship between Helicobacter pylori and cancer risk.,European Journal of Internal Medicine,2014 Apr,25(4):235-240 2014 . 04
54 (Jiann-Horng Yeh)、林則成、(Yen-Kung Chen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、(Hou-Chang Chiu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Excessive risk of cancer and in particular lymphoid malignancy in myasthenia gravis patients: A population-based cohort study.,NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS,2014 Mar,24(3):245-249 2014 . 03
55 陳嘉雯(Chia-Wen Chen)、林則成、陳坤堡(Kuen-Bao Chen)、郭于誠(Yu-Cheng, Kuo)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、鍾季容(Chi-Jung Chung)*,Increased risk of dementia in people with previous exposure to general anesthesia: A nationwide population-based case–control study,Alzheimers & Dementia,2014 Mar,10(2014):196-204 2014 . 03
56 簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、(Jin-Hua Chen)、(Hsiao-Nin Wang)、林則成、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、(Pin-Hui Wang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*、(Jun-Jun Yeh)*,[18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography screening for lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis,CANCER IMAGING,2013 Dec,13(4):458-465 2013 . 12
57 洪逸芷(Yi-Chin Hung)、林則成、王子源(Tzu-Yuan Wang)、張曼萍(Man-Ping Chang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、陳清助(Ching-Chu Chen)*,Oral hypoglycemic agents and the development of non-fatal cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus,DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS,2013 Nov,29():673-679 2013 . 11
58 (Hsin-I Shih)、(Ming-Chia Lin)、林則成、(Hsiang-Chin Hsu)、(Hsin-Ling Lee)、(Chih-Hsien Chi)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、(Yen-Jung Chang)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Benzodiazepine therapy in psychiatric outpatients is associated with deliberate self-poisoning events at emergency departments-a population-based nested case-control study.,PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY,2013 Oct,229(4):665-671 2013 . 10
59 (Yen-Kung Chen)、(Tzu-Jen Hung)、林則成、(Ruoh-Fang Yen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、李文源(Wen-Yuan Lee)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Increased risk of acute coronary syndrome after spinal cord injury: A nationwide 10-year follow-up cohort study.,International Journal of Cardiology,2013 Sep,168(2):1681-1682 2013 . 09
60 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林則成、林崇智(Chung-Chih Lin)、鍾季容(Chi-Jung Chung)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Early utilization of hypertonic peritoneal dialysate and subsequent risks of non-traumatic amputation among peritoneal dialysis patients: A nationwide retrospective longitudinal study,BMC Nephrology,2013 Jun,14(128):1-6 2013 . 06
61 黃偉師(Wei-Shih Huang)、蔡崇豪(Chon-Haw Tsai)、林則成、莫之欣、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、張晏蓉、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Relationship Between Zolpidem Use and Stroke Risk: A Taiwanese Population–Based Case-Control Study,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY,2013 May,74(5):e433-e438 2013 . 05
62 周宜卿(I-Ching Chou)、林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)、林則成、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Tourette Syndrome and Risk of Depression: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan.,JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS,2013 Apr,34(3):181-185 2013 . 04
63 陳毓隆(Yu-Lung Chen)、鄭高奇(Kao-Chi Cheng)、賴世偉(Shih-Wei Lai)、蔡易儒(I-Ju Tsai)、林則成、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、陳培君(Pei-Chun Chen)*,Diabetes and risk of subsequent gastric cancer: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan,Gastric Cancer,2012 Oct,(): 2012 . 10
64 (Wen-Yen Huang)、(Che-Chen Lin)、林則成、(Kuen-Tze Lin)、(Muh-Hwa Yang)、(Chang-Ming Chen)、(Ying-Nan Chang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association between adult otitis media and nasopharyngeal cancer:A nationwide population-Based cohort study,RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY,2012 Sep,104(2012):338-342 2012 . 09


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Potential Causal Link between Hyperuricemia and Incident Chronic Kidney Disease in Eastern Asians: Insights from Large-scale Mendelian Randomization Analyses,ASHG 2024 Annual Meeting,美國科羅拉多州丹佛市 Colorado Convention Center,2024.11.05~2024.11.09, 2024 . 11
2 Dyslipidemia and Coronary Artery Calcium: From Association to Development of a Risk-Prediction Nomogram,5th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Dialysis Access in conjunction with 2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology,Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,2021.12.10~2021.12.12, 2021 . 12
3 新診斷2型糖尿病患者化膿性肝膿瘍的風險:台灣全國性的世代研究,中華民國110年消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
4 Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Gram-Positive Bacteria in Patients Younger than 19 Years: Prediction Analysis in a 13-year Hospital-Based Cohort,ID week 2020,Philadelphia (全球線上會議),2020.10.21~2020.10.25, 2020 . 10
5 Risk of Epilepsy in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Population-Based Cohort Study,台灣兒科醫學會第226屆學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2016.04.23~2016.04.24, 2016 . 04
6 Sitagliptin and risk of heart failure hospitalization in patients with type 2 diabetes and end stage renal disease on dialysis: A population-based cohort study,中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會第十三屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,台北榮民總醫院致德樓,2016.03.19~2016.03.20, 2016 . 03
7 Population Study on Risk of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Related to Herpes Zoster and Comorbidity,The 23RD World Congress of Dermatology,加拿大溫哥華,2015.06.08~2015.06.13, 2015 . 06
8 Preterm birth and the metabolic outcomes in childhood:A population-based cohort study from Taiwan,台灣新生兒科醫學會第十三屆第一次會員大會暨學術討論會,張榮發基金會國際會議廳,2015.03.15~2015.03.15, 2015 . 03
9 阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症與冠狀動脈疾病的相關性,台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會第95屆學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2013.12.07~2013.12.08, 2013 . 12
10 阻塞性呼吸中止增加耳咽管功能異常的風險及探討打鼾手術扮演的角色,台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會第95屆學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2013.12.07~2013.12.08, 2013 . 12
11 Tourette Syndrome and Risk of Depression:A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan.,12th Asian Oceanian Congress on Child Neurology,Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,2013.09.14~2003.09.18, 2013 . 09
12 妥瑞症候群會增加隨後抑鬱症的風險:台灣群體之世代研究,第214屆學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2013.04.27~2013.04.28, 2013 . 04
13 腹膜透析病人透析早期使用高濃度透析液之後截肢的風險評估,101年台灣腎臟醫學會年會,台中中國醫藥大學,2012.12.08~2012.12.09, 2012 . 12




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,DMR-109-166,郭錦輯(Chin-Chi Kuo),附醫院內計畫,冠狀動脈導管檢查病人之顯影劑腎病變風險評估,2019.8.1~2020.6.30 2019 . 08





